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AIr Rifle or Silenced Shotgun?

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I've got both and the air rifle barely gets an outting. The shotgun you can shoot on the move, and the amount of times ive been out with a 12ftlb air rifle and charlie wanders passed....

If you do have to shoot ferals or rats in a barn then I would have thought the springer would do it. Plus the shotgun doesn't need charging after 50 shots.

ATB, Aaron.

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Hey wank stain why the fook would i want to put any hunting pics or stories up on the most watched hunting site on the net.. .. Now go away wank stain mummy will be up soon, dont let her catch you w

silenced shot-gun all the way

That would be handy for shooting rats and ferals inside of a barn or a built up area .

you clearly have no idea about shooting

Ive been shooting shotguns and air weapons while your father will of still been in your grand dads ball bag so dont come on here and tell me what i do and dont know young boy.





And for someone who shoots, why would you use the word air weapons

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Personally i would opt for the air rifle. I have both and seldom use the shotgun. It will all depend on the quarry and terrain you're shooting on and whether you plan to sell on the game. None of my butchers will touch shotgunned rabbit but will jump at headshot ones. If you are planning to use it alot the cost of ammunition will come into the equation too.


I just wish we had enough rabbits to shoot! Its hard enough finding enough work for the dogs as it is without shooting any!

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silenced shot-gun all the way

That would be handy for shooting rats and ferals inside of a barn or a built up area .

you clearly have no idea about shooting

Ive been shooting shotguns and air weapons while your father will of still been in your grand dads ball bag so dont come on here and tell me what i do and dont know young boy.

i dont think lady roselle was sugesting you should use a shotgun in a barn,ithink she or he was being sarcastic :thumbs:



You've been shooting bullsh*t all your life, go and shoot holes in the roof of a barn and hopefully some of the shot may rebound, you know an awful lot dont you, and dont respond to this as you will start another on of your arguements.

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i dont think lady roselle was sugesting you should use a shotgun in a barn,ithink she or he was being sarcastic :thumbs:

At last someone with a little bit of common sense.. :thumbs: .. i would also not be using a scatter gun around horses/cottages/houses or other area's where livestock could be spooked by the noise, that is where the silenced PCP or springer comes in handy and i would prefarably keep it sub FAC as it would cause less damage to any farm buildings or machinery that happens to be accidently hit..

At the end of the day like i have mentioned from my experiences both scatter guns and air weapons have there pro's and con's...and Olim you little wank stain go play with your little baldie nob in your bedroom because it will soon be your bed time and your mummy will becoming to tuck you in and fold your bed sheets with a chopping axe..

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i dont think lady roselle was sugesting you should use a shotgun in a barn,ithink she or he was being sarcastic :thumbs:

At last someone with a little bit of common sense.. :thumbs: .. i would also not be using a scatter gun around horses/cottages/houses or other area's where livestock could be spooked by the noise, that is where the silenced PCP or springer comes in handy and i would prefarably keep it sub FAC as it would cause less damage to any farm buildings or machinery that happens to be accidently hit..

At the end of the day like i have mentioned from my experiences both scatter guns and air weapons have there pro's and con's...and Olim you little wank stain go play with your little baldie nob in your bedroom because it will soon be your bed time and your mummy will becoming to tuck you in and fold your bed sheets with a chopping axe..



Cheers for the advice, and same to everyone else. With regard to using the shotgun in proximity of animals/houses, the areas i'm thinking of are large areas of small connected horse paddocks, which are too small to run a dog in (for anymore than one run), and are not the kind of place people appreciate loud noises or disturbance. Trapping/Snaring is a no no. We do ferret it but it is slow going, and not always possible. I was thinking lamp and either would work. Also around the pheasants and pens where loud bangs are very much un appreciated. And honestly it would also be used in areas where i probably shouldnt be (and lets not get moral or legal about this here). So how silent IS a silenced shotgun? Sale of game isn't an issue with this stuff. Cost of ammo is but not too much. So any more thoughts as its about 50/50 now?

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i dont think lady roselle was sugesting you should use a shotgun in a barn,ithink she or he was being sarcastic :thumbs:

At last someone with a little bit of common sense.. :thumbs: .. i would also not be using a scatter gun around horses/cottages/houses or other area's where livestock could be spooked by the noise, that is where the silenced PCP or springer comes in handy and i would prefarably keep it sub FAC as it would cause less damage to any farm buildings or machinery that happens to be accidently hit..

At the end of the day like i have mentioned from my experiences both scatter guns and air weapons have there pro's and con's...and Olim you little wank stain go play with your little baldie nob in your bedroom because it will soon be your bed time and your mummy will becoming to tuck you in and fold your bed sheets with a chopping axe..




Haha how creative of you, not all mothers/famillies are like you :laugh: and never heard you mention anything about hunting ever on here that is anything of use just a load of crap

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Cheers for the advice, and same to everyone else. With regard to using the shotgun in proximity of animals/houses, the areas i'm thinking of are large areas of small connected horse paddocks, which are too small to run a dog in (for anymore than one run), and are not the kind of place people appreciate loud noises or disturbance. Trapping/Snaring is a no no. We do ferret it but it is slow going, and not always possible. I was thinking lamp and either would work. Also around the pheasants and pens where loud bangs are very much un appreciated. And honestly it would also be used in areas where i probably shouldnt be (and lets not get moral or legal about this here). So how silent IS a silenced shotgun? Sale of game isn't an issue with this stuff. Cost of ammo is but not too much. So any more thoughts as its about 50/50 now?

Silenced scatter guns are quieter around the .410 decibel mark..like a little pop if you are upwind of them but down wind .410 noise. for the best results in quietness you need to be using around 28gram cartridges or less, but you will suffer with the distance shot's and im not 100% on this but you can only get a single barrel silenced scatter gun..

Im thinking you will be better of with a rimmy or air rifle for them troublsome bunnies and after a few stake outs you might get a few but they will sharp become wise to it.your best bet on that area is dig your heels in and crack on with the ferreting no matter how hard it is.because that is the only way you will wipe the bunnies out with the methods you are allowed to use.

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Haha how creative of you, not all mothers/famillies are like you :laugh: and never heard you mention anything about hunting ever on here that is anything of use just a load of crap

Hey wank stain why the fook would i want to put any hunting pics or stories up on the most watched hunting site on the net.. :blink: ..

Now go away wank stain mummy will be up soon, dont let her catch you wanking or watching illicit films.

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Haha how creative of you, not all mothers/famillies are like you :laugh: and never heard you mention anything about hunting ever on here that is anything of use just a load of crap

Hey wank stain why the fook would i want to put any hunting pics or stories up on the most watched hunting site on the net.. :blink: ..

Now go away wank stain mummy will be up soon, dont let her catch you wanking or watching illicit films.



Oh no the anti's may see some pictures of dead rabbits, what would happen then, maybe no one should mention hunting on here then :o

Watch out some one may beat you up again

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Haha how creative of you, not all mothers/famillies are like you :laugh: and never heard you mention anything about hunting ever on here that is anything of use just a load of crap

Hey wank stain why the fook would i want to put any hunting pics or stories up on the most watched hunting site on the net.. :blink: ..

Now go away wank stain mummy will be up soon, dont let her catch you wanking or watching illicit films.



Oh no the anti's may see some pictures of dead rabbits, what would happen then, maybe no one should mention hunting on here then :o

Watch out some one may beat you up again


you threatning him/her ?

Edited by chimp
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Haha how creative of you, not all mothers/famillies are like you :laugh: and never heard you mention anything about hunting ever on here that is anything of use just a load of crap

Hey wank stain why the fook would i want to put any hunting pics or stories up on the most watched hunting site on the net.. :blink: ..

Now go away wank stain mummy will be up soon, dont let her catch you wanking or watching illicit films.



Oh no the anti's may see some pictures of dead rabbits, what would happen then, maybe no one should mention hunting on here then :o

Watch out some one may beat you up again


you threatning him/her ?





No, its just something I have noticed her mention before

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Haha how creative of you, not all mothers/famillies are like you :laugh: and never heard you mention anything about hunting ever on here that is anything of use just a load of crap

Hey wank stain why the fook would i want to put any hunting pics or stories up on the most watched hunting site on the net.. :blink: ..

Now go away wank stain mummy will be up soon, dont let her catch you wanking or watching illicit films.



Oh no the anti's may see some pictures of dead rabbits, what would happen then, maybe no one should mention hunting on here then :o

Watch out some one may beat you up again


you threatning him/her ?





No, its just something I have noticed her mention before



just a bit of a funny thing to say wasnt it boy ??

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Cheers for the advice, and same to everyone else. With regard to using the shotgun in proximity of animals/houses, the areas i'm thinking of are large areas of small connected horse paddocks, which are too small to run a dog in (for anymore than one run), and are not the kind of place people appreciate loud noises or disturbance. Trapping/Snaring is a no no. We do ferret it but it is slow going, and not always possible. I was thinking lamp and either would work. Also around the pheasants and pens where loud bangs are very much un appreciated. And honestly it would also be used in areas where i probably shouldnt be (and lets not get moral or legal about this here). So how silent IS a silenced shotgun? Sale of game isn't an issue with this stuff. Cost of ammo is but not too much. So any more thoughts as its about 50/50 now?

Silenced scatter guns are quieter around the .410 decibel mark..like a little pop if you are upwind of them but down wind .410 noise. for the best results in quietness you need to be using around 28gram cartridges or less, but you will suffer with the distance shot's and im not 100% on this but you can only get a single barrel silenced scatter gun..

Im thinking you will be better of with a rimmy or air rifle for them troublsome bunnies and after a few stake outs you might get a few but they will sharp become wise to it.your best bet on that area is dig your heels in and crack on with the ferreting no matter how hard it is.because that is the only way you will wipe the bunnies out with the methods you are allowed to use.


Thank you for that advise! I know that they do make a double barrel, but my main concern is that it wont be silent at all and so fairly pointless. The reason for ferreting being a problem is that in horse land there are some folk who own a small holding that love their fluffy bunnys and so we have an area of very high population that leachs into the rest of the land, meaning that even with ferreting through everywhere etc, there is still a constant through traffic at night, they then return to safety in the day. Apart from moonlit ferreting trips its a pain, and shooting by night seems the best bet.

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