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Rabbits for the homeless

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Before Xmas i gave a church bloke who has a mobile soup kitchen a load of veg to feed the homeless a xmas dinner and i asked him if he could use rabbit meat as i have a freezer full but i could supply

Spot on mate, i'll have a look into local soup kitchens! It also helps promote a positive view of field sports.

Dottydoo bang on and stroller top bloke homelessness in this country shouldn't be allowed when we hand people who hate us a life On a plate but that's another story

Before Xmas i gave a church bloke who has a mobile soup kitchen a load of veg to feed the homeless a xmas dinner and i asked him if he could use rabbit meat as i have a freezer full but i could supply him fresh meat most weeks. To be honest i didnt think he would be interested as a lot of people dont eat rabbit these days i suppose i was being very naive as to the plight of the homeless as he was over the moon saying how the hot meal he provides could be the only one they get all week.


i know a lot of people are on the street through their own weaknesses ie drink or drugs but who am i to judge and at least its doing somebody somewhere some good. How some of the poor buggers survive this weather is beyond me i work out in it for most of the day and it wears me out just keeping warm.


maybe there is this type of thing going on where you live and if you have enough in the freezer maybe you could help?


Its just a thought :thumbs:




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Before Xmas i gave a church bloke who has a mobile soup kitchen a load of veg to feed the homeless a xmas dinner and i asked him if he could use rabbit meat as i have a freezer full but i could supply him fresh meat most weeks. To be honest i didnt think he would be interested as a lot of people dont eat rabbit these days i suppose i was being very naive as to the plight of the homeless as he was over the moon saying how the hot meal he provides could be the only one they get all week.


i know a lot of people are on the street through their own weaknesses ie drink or drugs but who am i to judge and at least its doing somebody somewhere some good. How some of the poor buggers survive this weather is beyond me i work out in it for most of the day and it wears me out just keeping warm.


maybe there is this type of thing going on where you live and if you have enough in the freezer maybe you could help?


Its just a thought :thumbs:

your a good man :thumbs:

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stroller, I think thats a really nice touch as you say it's not up to us to judge anyone and I think too many take too much for granted.

As dotty doo said there is no community anymore, it's everyone for themselves, I've tried to help people in the past ( giving them work where because of cicumstances they would maybe struggle to get a job) it don't always work out but like I said who am I to pass judgement. We don't all have to become Bob Geldoff but giving a couple of rabbits to they less fortunate surely aint that hard :thumbs:

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Quality idea mate ,we could use the publicity,get Gordon fxcken Ramsay to cook the Fxckers,fxck the antis right up :feck:

Wouldn't that shoot the xoogooders up the arse :vicious hunters feed homeless: can you imagine the headlines lol you may have hit on an absolutely brilliant idea and serve 2 purposes feed peoe that otherwise would go hungry with a good hearty meal n get some much needed suPport

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Quality idea mate ,we could use the publicity,get Gordon fxcken Ramsay to cook the Fxckers,fxck the antis right up :feck:

Wouldn't that shoot the xoogooders up the arse :vicious hunters feed homeless: can you imagine the headlines lol you may have hit on an absolutely brilliant idea and serve 2 purposes feed peoe that otherwise would go hungry with a good hearty meal n get some much needed suPport

Aye,its a great idea,hungry homeless who don,t have time for politics :gunsmilie::thumbs:

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