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Anyone know what this is?

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Hi all, sorry if this is a daft question but not come across this before.

Was jointing the bunnies after a day out with the ferts and came across this when I cut in to the flesh.

A watery liquid filled with small white balls in a void in the flesh.

What is it? And more importantly what can I or should I do with the meat?

Thanks for the help.

Oh, and cus I watch too many bad films all I can think about is those spiders that lay their eggs in you and then the babys eat their way out!


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Yes mate tape worm eggs I would bin it personally, cant imaging having to pull a 5 foot tape worm out of my ring piece. I know cooking kills them but its just the thought, or on the other hand dont wash it and give it to someone you dont like.........only kidding.

Did you see the worm in the intestine? you usually get a watery yellowish liquid in with them.

Edited by stevethefish
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  On 07/01/2011 at 17:41, stevethefish said:

Yes mate tape worm eggs I would bin it personally, cant imaging having to pull a 5 foot tape worm out of my ring piece. I know cooking kills them but its just the thought, or on the other hand dont wash it and give it to someone you dont like.........only kidding.

Did you see the worm in the intestine? you usually get a watery yellowish liquid in with them.


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i thought these grew between the flesh and skin,if they are in the flesh how many times have we cooked and ate rabbit without even knowing?i know they are harmless after cooking but just wondered...

Edited by web22
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  On 08/01/2011 at 12:42, The one said:

You can see them /feel them when your skinning and gutting the rabbit so you should never eat one



i thought they were pretty obvious to spot,i have never come across one fortunatly.

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