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lamping last night

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I took my 17 mth old dog out last night for a few runs, only managed one slip, it was only short, about 20 yards, the rabbit stumbled in one direction and the dog tried to head him off but miscalculated and the bunny [bANNED TEXT]'t the other way leaving my dog very upset and me very embarrased, even though i was all alone. he has yet to catch a rabbit on the lamp even though he has caught many ferreting and mooching about. this is harder than it looks. it was not all bad as i spotted a fox in the beam. it was to far away to even consider slipping the dog on it, and it failed to be fooled by the annoying scraems of the pink sqeaky hippo. oh well there will be other nights, my dad said i should give up its nice to know your family supports you isn't it.

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keep at it mate i had the same problem with my dog she couldnt catch a lamped rabbit but now theres no stopping her.she is 3 and a half years old now and didnt start catching till she was just over 2 and she is still learning and she has still not mastered the taking of squatters.instead of flying straight in now she holds back,waits and strikes when she needs to resulting in alot more rabbits.my dad was also telling me to pack it in but i persuaded him to come out lamping again as he hadnt done it for quite along time.we went to a decant place with quite few rabbits and he done the lamping.my dog hadnt caught a rabbit on the lamp before this night and we ended up taking 3 out of 5 runs.i was well chuffed and there has been no looking back. since then she has took alot of rabbits on the lamp, she hasnt took hundreds but there pretty thin on the ground round my way.we average around 5 when we go lamping but hopefully she will get better at taking squatters resulting in bigger bags.

keep your chin up mate keep going lamping and take your dad and it may work for you lol.


good hunting



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keep at it mate,my best bitch was a very very slow starter on the lamp,a lot of people would have given up with her,i stuck at it and now she is as good as any if not better tham most,GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT,good luck :victory::victory:

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i wouldnt worry buddy my mates wippet used to do the same apart from she you use to get right on the rabbits ass and just stay there she didnt even used to strike is was so annoying she just udes to keep coursing and then on day she cougnt one in a hedge and then a few more like it. and now she is amazing on them so fast and turns so well and doesnt hasatate to pic them up so just giv eit time mate

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I took my 17 mth old dog out last night for a few runs, only managed one slip, it was only short, about 20 yards, the rabbit stumbled in one direction and the dog tried to head him off but miscalculated and the bunny [bANNED TEXT]'t the other way leaving my dog very upset and me very embarrased, even though i was all alone. he has yet to catch a rabbit on the lamp even though he has caught many ferreting and mooching about. this is harder than it looks. it was not all bad as i spotted a fox in the beam. it was to far away to even consider slipping the dog on it, and it failed to be fooled by the annoying scraems of the pink sqeaky hippo. oh well there will be other nights, my dad said i should give up its nice to know your family supports you isn't it.

Dont give up keep going we all have good and bad days Have you tried taking a ferreted rabbit with you {live} long way out in the field droping it esure that the dog see it then slip him This all has to be done under lamp good luck

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