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hi lads just wondering is there anybody in northwest/lancishire area who wuold like to meet up in not to distant future for a spot of lamping/ferreting or a bit of digging ive got a new bit of permission that has a few fox sets on and wouldnt mind having a dig but my patterdale as never worked on fox [bANNED TEXT] so could do with more experienced dog to show mine the ropes he is a very keen dog and quite intelligent for a pat failing that would any 1 like a nights lamping with lurchers mines saluki bull gray x deerhound grayhound as u can probably tell im geting a bored these days of goin on own and thaught some mite like to join me (VICE VERCA) to have a luagh and share tactics with anyone intrested? atb key

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  On 06/01/2011 at 12:13, keymac88 said:

hi lads just wondering is there anybody in northwest/lancishire area who wuold like to meet up in not to distant future for a spot of lamping/ferreting or a bit of digging ive got a new bit of permission that has a few fox sets on and wouldnt mind having a dig but my patterdale as never worked on fox [bANNED TEXT] so could do with more experienced dog to show mine the ropes he is a very keen dog and quite intelligent for a pat failing that would any 1 like a nights lamping with lurchers mines saluki bull gray x deerhound grayhound as u can probably tell im geting a bored these days of goin on own and thaught some mite like to join me (VICE VERCA) to have a luagh and share tactics with anyone intrested? atb key

[/quote o9k mate got a few ferrets and a 6 1/2 month saluki want to get working my mate has a few ferrets also and a bull /greyhound that does charlie he also has a terrier that gors to ground we are in Manchester near bolton where abouts are you

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  On 06/01/2011 at 12:13, keymac88 said:

hi lads just wondering is there anybody in northwest/lancishire area who wuold like to meet up in not to distant future for a spot of lamping/ferreting or a bit of digging ive got a new bit of permission that has a few fox sets on and wouldnt mind having a dig but my patterdale as never worked on fox [bANNED TEXT] so could do with more experienced dog to show mine the ropes he is a very keen dog and quite intelligent for a pat failing that would any 1 like a nights lamping with lurchers mines saluki bull gray x deerhound grayhound as u can probably tell im geting a bored these days of goin on own and thaught some mite like to join me (VICE VERCA) to have a luagh and share tactics with anyone intrested? atb key

hello there my mate , my names andrew, (lugsy). i would be extremely intrested in going for a mooch with you pal, be it diggin or lamping or any other kind of hunting.

i have allthe relevant equipment to tackle any job. i have a pair of verry hard working terriers and an evil looking bully cross, but ive brought him up on rabbits and that has made him quite a good all rounder, all my dogs are stock broke so no worries there.

i dont posess a sgc,so if were diggin for reynard you would have to bring a shooter. i would be extremely gratefull if you would give me an opportunity to go for a mooch with you, kind regards and happy hunting ,Andrew(lugsy). :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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