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Hair thinning, best thing to add to the diet for prevention?

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I am not dodging any thing I have told you its a licensed medicine, obviously this is not enough for you?

I assume you want to see a clinical trial? I am afraid you will have a long wait on that one ;)

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Chook - Thanks for that, it is in exactly the same place on her back end, just a much ligher case. she has a tiny patch on her chest also. It is alos very much like your bitch in that is came on mid winter.....


Cheers :thumbs:

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Chook I would be interested to see the study, I like to keep an open mind , but fear that it will turn out to either not exist or be a sales gimmick rather than study, but live in hope for some evidence. Current research will be some time from publication. As you say your dog has a seasonal rhythm and its worse at this time of year.




Reload I know I will wait a long time for studies on “herbs†as those that are effective get used as medicines, ie purified and dosed safely and those that don’t get sold as unpurified un dosed heath supplements for a very good profit. Testing that proves that they are useless would kill the golden goose. From memory I believe the supplement industry is worth about 3 billion or so.

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