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get a load of this little prick

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illiterate twat :censored:


little f!*k heads like that need to get thier arses out in the real world instead of living off mummy and daddy. Hearing kids who are still wet behind the ears spouting shit like that gets my fecking back up. Feck em all, save a fox, run an anti instead. WAN!*$RS


I was at a meet when a kid about 15 spat in the face of a foot follower, he cried like the baby he was when the follower turned and felled him with a right hook :laugh::censored:

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i thought his head was loose the way it was rolling about :laugh: a typical prick like most antis preaching the same old crap there opinion is the only way theres no compromise with people like that a good kick in the nuts would shut him up spotty freak only fox he would have see would probably be in the streets around his home :yes: i would like to bump into him one day while out in the woods and educate him :whistle: to quote a member off here it would be emotional :laugh::laugh:

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Buck toothed attention seeking billy-no-mates who's never had a girlfriend. Spends more time with his computer than with his family, hates his Da and his Da wonders where the f*ck he came from.


Wants to impress some pimply vegan female stick insect he's seen in school, so off he goes and jolly well makes a video about fox hunting.


Shut up, stop pretending you're a (middle) class warrior, stop living in your bedroom and go out and get some fecking fresh air, you little bollix.

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