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Shooting large to small targets at 50 metres


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Hi Ghillies buddy,


Sorry i dont understand what you mean here mate. :blink:


apsolutly non.....skill learned would amount to zero too lol.


Can you please explain buddy and who the comment is aimed at in your long list of multi quotes?






I think Ghilies is replying to my comment regarding the fun in putting a gun in a vice? ie: absolutely no fun and there would be no skill learned by a shooter who would do such a thing :thumbs: Maybe the gullible would be impressed by the results produced by a clamped gun :yes: but would a newbie shooter be able to reproduce those results even if he paid thousands of pounds for the gun?

As we discussed the other day Si; Both you and I would put the Ultra up against a top end Styer and expect them to produce very similar results :yes: as you stated, a modern gun is far more accurate than the organic piece on the blunt end can ever hope to achive :thumbs:


Which is the point you and I were trying to make Si; I think Ghillies now sees that what we were doing is not just the precision of the gun, its a combination of the gun, the scope a thousand variables that need to be accounted for as best they can and the shooters ability to bring everything together for the best shot.



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Hi Tony bud,


Yep i agree mate but dont forget to mention that we said a top of the range target rifle in a average shooters hands mate not in a cracking shots hands.


Just before we get smashed to pieces by the FT and target boys :icon_eek:



Edited by zini
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I know what your capable of Si and with that superbly accurate rangefinder built into your brain; I know you would put almost all of the FT and HFT guy's and gal's to shame and it won't be too long either; befor Laura's natuaral ability to hold, press and follow through with a shot, she'll be doing exactly the same as well. Just look at the way she kicked my ass with that little informal shoot the other day!



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Hi Tony,


Umm im not to sure about me putting peeps to shame buddy, there are tonnes of great shots out there that are far better than me, but thanks for your confidence in me anyway mate I really appreciate your friendship and see what you are doing.


I just want to enjoy my sport and enjoy reading posts on here.


I'm actually thinking about leaving the forum and just doing my own thing on YouTube but staying in touch with my friends via phone and email, or not frequenting it as much as normal as I think I'm spending too much time ignoring Laura.


I can't hunt here and hitting targets gets boring after a bit.

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Strange how earlier I was thinking of the life cycle of this place :yes:


I hear what your saying Si and I agree; actually I've been thinking of similar over the last several months; as indeed have another couple of regular members who have confided in me :yes:


Perhaps visit less may be a better option?

I know if you go, the others will follow suit and so will I

Like you say though, there is always telecoms and email etc.... :yes:


Let me know what you decide buddy.


Take care



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Oh dear guys this dont sound good :(, it would be a great shame for the forum to loose some of the pro's, there enjoyable and educational write ups and there welth of experiance :(, I for one would be saddend by anyones departure,

Si I know exactly where you are coming from with the mrs in mind and understand toataly.

I hope it dosent come to that, but if it does, thankyou for the help and info and I shall be putting it to good use to try and improve my own shooting.

.atb. .ste.

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Who else is thinking of leaving and why?? Family is fair enough, I don't have that problem the whole time though...


This place has had it's ups and downs in the time I've been here but of late it's settled in to a nice place to be, it'd be a real shame to loose any of the regulars and have it turning back to pissing contests and micky takeing that's gone on before... :thumbdown:


Cheers :(

Edited by andyfr1968
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Like I said Andy buddy.


I have a new life now with a wonderful woman in it and I think instead of her sitting watching the tv every night and me tapping away answering posts etc it may pay to spend more time with her and give her the love she deserves.


At the minute in just considering limiting my time each night to 1 hour instead of 3 or 4 hours.


If Laura feels left out I will cut it down to maybe weekends only for a hour.

I love this forum and I respect the mates I've made and learnt from on here so it will be my final straw if I decide to leave and with heart felt regret.


Others should not leave if I finally decide to leave. The other regs are needed to assist the new shooters.



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I understand exactly what you're saying, Si. Family is the most important thing of course, most folks don't have the amount of free time that I enjoy and when I've not got my sons with me, the laptop tends to chug away in the background while the telly grumbles away in the corner. I work for myself from home and the 'poota's pretty much always on. Rock and roll.... :blink:


I was just wondering who of the other regulars were thinking of packing up and why?

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Who else is thinking of leaving and why?? Family is fair enough, I don't have that problem the whole time though...


This place has had it's ups and downs in the time I've been here but of late it's settled in to a nice place to be, it'd be a real shame to loose any of the regulars and have it turning back to pissing contests and micky takeing that's gone on before... :thumbdown:


Cheers :(


I know what you mean Andy, I joined this place when it was a darn right thoroughly nasty place to be and I limited my input and question answering because the Cock's ruled the Roost so to speak. Different now, its much more relaxed and friendly :yes: even when someone tries to cause trouble, we generally get shut of em fast :yes:

To answer your question though; I can't; sorry I won't say who or why; as I have been asked not to by them and my promise/word means a hell of a lot to me and I will never knowingly or deliberately betray a trust that someone has placed in me, I'm just not like that.


I understand what Si is saying totally and indeed I have my reasons for thinking along similar lines that he is thinking. Si and I are very similar people really.

Sometimes its important to have a life elsewhere with someone who is special and deserves your time rather than getting square eyes at the monitor :yes:

If I were still happily married; I'd not spend a fraction of the time on here that I currently do.



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Who else is thinking of leaving and why?? Family is fair enough, I don't have that problem the whole time though...


This place has had it's ups and downs in the time I've been here but of late it's settled in to a nice place to be, it'd be a real shame to loose any of the regulars and have it turning back to pissing contests and micky takeing that's gone on before... :thumbdown:


Cheers :(


I know what you mean Andy, I joined this place when it was a darn right thoroughly nasty place to be and I limited my input and question answering because the Cock's ruled the Roost so to speak. Different now, its much more relaxed and friendly :yes: even when someone tries to cause trouble, we generally get shut of em fast :yes:

To answer your question though; I can't; sorry I won't say who or why; as I have been asked not to by them and my promise/word means a hell of a lot to me and I will never knowingly or deliberately betray a trust that someone has placed in me, I'm just not like that.


I understand what Si is saying totally and indeed I have my reasons for thinking along similar lines that he is thinking. Si and I are very similar people really.

Sometimes its important to have a life elsewhere with someone who is special and deserves your time rather than getting square eyes at the monitor :yes:

If I were still happily married; I'd not spend a fraction of the time on here that I currently do.




Couldn't agree more, Tony. I wasn't asking you or Si to name names 'cos as has already been said, it was done privately and that says because it was done so, whoever said it didn't want it to be made public :thumbs: Like you, I take great pride in word and honour....


I was asking whoever else it was why? If they don't want to say then fair enough, I respect their decission to remain private.


It'd just be such a shame if all of a sudden, a lot of the sensible, knowledgable members left in short order...

Edited by andyfr1968
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hi Si


well if no one believe you whats the point in me starting a challenge thread,you no i believe you buddy Ive watched all your DVD on YouTube etc and find you to be very honest indeed,


people who don't believe you that fine let them think what they want but until they have spoke to you on more than one time then they will never no.


don't let it get you down in anyway buddy,and also you tony :thumbs:


i have even faith in your ability and how accurate you are buddy,but the only thing i will say is watch out for L.J when she starts the challenge and she has the accurate you have and i cant see it taking that long buddy :tongue2:


as davy said fu*k emmmmmmmmm all pal


atb steve

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Yep Steve cheers for your comments buddy.


I’m not that bothered really mate to tell you the truth what people think about me, my posts or what I do on camera.


I enjoy it and it keeps me happy and occupied so I’m happy.


People do send me crap on Youtube as Tony can vouch for, as do people from this forum but that’s life and it makes me smile sometimes to tell you the truth.


The positive comments far out way the negative ones.


As Tony knows I have done things on camera and off camera (shooting wise I’m talking about here Bill before you start :laugh: ) that if I put it up on the forum people would think that it’s not possible to achieve with a sub 12 ft/lb rifle and it’s fake.


I wouldn’t put it up anyway as I would be going against what we try and educate new shooters on here is right and proper and it should be 1 rule for all so I have no reason to post it and try and be special.


At the end of the day this forum is here for people to enjoy and voice their thoughts and feelings about their sport no matter if we like what we hear or not.


So I am cool mate :thumbs: .





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