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Depends which terrier

the only prob with beddys, is its very hard to get a good'un,you will have better chance of a good x with jack, as there are more better workers about with jacks.!

dunno just a couple of my other posts that were question people seemed to have a go at me nd thnaks for the postives :D





Dont take a blind bit of notice of negative posts, they are normally done by negative people. If you dont know the answer to a problem, ask the question. Like the old saying goes mate, better to feel a fool once by asking the question and getting the answer than not asking and being a fool for a lot longer, hence some of the negative posts, pity some of them didn't ask a few more questions eh ?? whaddya reckon.

Ask away my friend, thats what it's all about.





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Guest stewie

dunno just a couple of my other posts that were question people seemed to have a go at me nd thnaks for the postives :D





Dont take a blind bit of notice of negative posts, they are normally done by negative people. If you dont know the answer to a problem, ask the question. Like the old saying goes mate, better to feel a fool once by asking the question and getting the answer than not asking and being a fool for a lot longer, hence some of the negative posts, pity some of them didn't ask a few more questions eh ?? whaddya reckon.

Ask away my friend, thats what it's all about.






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bedlington cross have been around for years mate and are proven good coat,good workers and not has hard mouthed,i would go that way especially if its for rabbit,good luck on yur choice mate,john.




the only prob with beddys, is its very hard to get a good'un,you will have better chance of a good x with jack, as there are more better workers about with jacks.!

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bedlington cross have been around for years mate and are proven good coat,good workers and not has hard mouthed,i would go that way especially if its for rabbit,good luck on yur choice mate,john.




the only prob with beddys, is its very hard to get a good'un,you will have better chance of a good x with jack, as there are more better workers about with jacks.!

Agree with you theres not that many working beddys though there is loads of good proven half x's out there which in my oponion would be the best solution for the lad :thumbs:

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bedlington cross have been around for years mate and are proven good coat,good workers and not has hard mouthed,i would go that way especially if its for rabbit,good luck on yur choice mate,john.




the only prob with beddys, is its very hard to get a good'un,you will have better chance of a good x with jack, as there are more better workers about with jacks.!

i dont disagree about there being loads of jackrussels out there that are cracking dogs,but in yorkshire theres loads of working bedlingtons,and russels and if it were my choice it would be a bedlington everytime thats just my opinin,cheers john.

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bedlington cross have been around for years mate and are proven good coat,good workers and not has hard mouthed,i would go that way especially if its for rabbit,good luck on yur choice mate,john.

as you say even a half cross back would make cracking rabbit dogs.




the only prob with beddys, is its very hard to get a good'un,you will have better chance of a good x with jack, as there are more better workers about with jacks.!

Agree with you theres not that many working beddys though there is loads of good proven half x's out there which in my oponion would be the best solution for the lad :thumbs:

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cheers bootsha mate nd i was just wondering if people thought a whippet cross grey to be crossed with a terrier would make a good ferreting / rabbiting dog ??


cheers c.t

any small lurcher will make a good ferreting dog,there is plenty about cheap,lol

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