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saw this in yesterdays sun newspaper 03-1-11


A huge fox belived to be the biggest ever caught in britain was killed after it apparently ate a famileys pet cat.

the 4ft creature was twice the size of a normal fox and weighed a heafty 26.5lb.


it was trapped along with a regular 14lb fox and its size raised fears the animals are getting larger as they get easy accses to discarded food from suburban homes.


vet keith talbot laid traps at his parents home in maidstone kent,after the fsamileys pet as eaten. he siad"the cat was on the door mat when they went to bed and heard a commotion.

"they saw a fox going up the drive, but dident think anything of it.

"the next morning they came out and there was fur and bits of the cat every where"

both foxs were humanly destroyed.


im very sorry i cant get the picture up but you should see the size of the thing its sodding massive. it laid out on a ladder next to the vet and he looks about 6 foot odd. from its paws on the hind legs to its nose its just a bit smaller than he is. it looks the same size as a large labrador.


now i live in a built up area and there are loads of foxs about every night. i work in a local pub witch as it happens is just round the corner from me about 6 doors away, i finish work some night and can see 2 or 3 in the few seconds it takes me to get home,and thats on quite a bussy road, hope they dont all get that big have to start going home with a shot gun.


whats you thought on this or did any of you also read it/see the pic.


Andy :thumbs:

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  On 04/01/2011 at 13:52, StevoSmith said:



cheers for putting that up mate the pics on there are loads better than the small one in the sun, gives a much truer idea of size.


thanks again pal



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My God. That's a Fox and something else. If the "Nice but dim" people are feeding these in urban areas and this is what they are growing to as a result, no wonder we have already heard of a child being attacked by one, let alone some poor old cat.


Shoot the bloody things!

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