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Extreme target shooting with Si and Tony


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Hi lads,


Tony and I went out today for a few hours doing a bit of plinking on my rat shooting permission.


We checked zero at 30 metres after I managed to bang my rifle on my living room wall today when doing some work on it :wallbash::censored: .


After a adjustment or 5 we were all back on singing sweet and finely zeroed :thumbs: .


I tried to do a 50 yard group through the scope camera but failed miserably due to a bit of breeze and low mag on the camera, plus I was just not up to my usual shooting and the 5 shot group measured at 1 flyer and 4 at 3/4 of a inch. :wankerzo4: .


I’ve decided as well that I am not up to a 60 metre standing shot on around x6 with a video camera as it so hard to do and a unnatural shooting position :doh: Ghillies you win buddy I surrender, 60 metres is far to much for my scope caming ability while standing :11:


When the breeze did die down a little both me and Tony decided to test the extreme accuracy of the Tench tuned and regged .177 Ultra though.


We set a target out which ended up being 81 lased metres.


It was an Orbit chewing gum plastic container stood on a up turned plastic beer bottle (no glass).


2 ¾ to 3 mil dots of hold over impact depending on x 5.5 mag, take a knats whisker in mag and it was perfect and as you will see the range was no problem for the rifles accuracy or Tony's shooting ability :thumbs: (you guys better get some practice in if you want to take his marksman of the year title :yes: ). :good: .


What we then did was tested the rifles accuracy even more by turning the bottle on its side to show a 1 inch circular target 1 and 1/4 inch at the very most) (the cap) and shoot that :yes: .


Here are the results caught in dual angle as we used 2 video cameras :notworthy: .


Enjoy :thumbs:





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Hi lads,   Tony and I went out today for a few hours doing a bit of plinking on my rat shooting permission.   We checked zero at 30 metres after I managed to bang my rifle on my living room wall t

We already did that Ghillies   We flogged the result to Rowntrees and they called em POLO's :11:

Cheers lads :thumbs: ,


Its ok Andy bud, he trusted me and my shooting not to hit him :blink: .


Glad he is braver than me LOL, and yes as Andy says please dont try this at home.


It was controlled though and we had hand signals etc.



Edited by zini
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Excellent boyes, i heard this year previous winners and army marksmen are not allowed to enter the comp this year please sign this thread if you agree lol






















only joking but F**king Hell give us mere mortals a chance lol



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You're both just bloody showing off now LOL!! Actually I'm impressed by the fact that you seem to just focus on getting the elevation solution right. If I was to attempt this with a 12ft/lb spring rifle like my HW77 or TX200 .22 rifles, I'm certain I'd need a bit of hold-off to right of the target too. Or get the triggers really micro-fine set to smooth out left-hand pressure bias.


Top shooting guys however you set your rifles up! :thumbs





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Thanks Mark buddy,


Tony says he'll shine the trophy up this year then ready for Laura LOL.


Hi Simon,


If you pm me your mobile number I'll phone you later and tell you how I set up my combo to counter and take out false wind and ensure perfect alignment of the scope and bore.


The only time you then need to hold left or right is in a wind.


I've shown Tony how I set up and he is going home to East Yorkshire to try my technique.



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Hi air gunner,


Yes I can achieve this with a quality springer but not with a scope camera fitted.


A HW or AA would easily do this and is more accurate that I can ever shoot them.



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