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square mesh gate/hedge/stop net

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approx 6 foot, perfect for hanging through a gap in a hedge.


braided selvedges for better hanging, and quick identification of corner's.


PM for details


PS; this net is made from 20/15 spun polyester.

Edited by Rabbithunter
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  bullsmilk said:
  paulus said:

thought you said long nets were made in diamond mesh the other week when i mentioned square mesh!!!!!!






a 6 foot net doesnt have to rely on having bagging (you cant have bagging if you dont have top & bottom line's, you said the other week you dont need lines on a longnet) i'd really love to se one of your 50 yard longnets

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i said square mesh long nets naturally have a top and bottom line. not that you dont have to have one if you add a heavy line i use the thick blue nylon cord you get in farm stores then tie in 12 feet of net every six feet you can get away without pegs just makes them a bit bulky but you can still fit a 50yrd net into a game bag. by the way i make the nets out of cheap sisel works for me.

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  paulus said:
i said square mesh long nets naturally have a top and bottom line. not that you dont have to have one if you add a heavy line i use the thick blue nylon cord you get in farm stores then tie in 12 feet of net every six feet you can get away without pegs just makes them a bit bulky but you can still fit a 50yrd net into a game bag. by the way i make the nets out of cheap sisel works for me.


each to his own.... but why square mesh, i would have thought it is just creating a bit more work. having to add and reduce all the time.


you say you can do away with peg's???? how on earth do you keep the top line in the air?

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  paulus said:
i said square mesh long nets naturally have a top and bottom line. not that you dont have to have one if you add a heavy line i use the thick blue nylon cord you get in farm stores then tie in 12 feet of net every six feet you can get away without pegs just makes them a bit bulky but you can still fit a 50yrd net into a game bag. by the way i make the nets out of cheap sisel works for me.




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  paulus said:
then tie in 12 feet of net every six feet



a tie every 6 foot? i really would hate to use your nets with a side wind..... especially when we would have to find the skyhooks to hang your top line on, as you "can do away with pegs"

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wands hold the top line up. pegs do whot pegs do hold the bottom line down. 12 foot of net tied in evey 6ft by sewing into the top line useing 4oz nylon cord. then it can be as windy as it likes doesnt matter nowt to snag.

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  paulus said:
wands hold the top line up. pegs do whot pegs do hold the bottom line down. 12 foot of net tied in evey 6ft by sewing into the top line useing 4oz nylon cord. then it can be as windy as it likes doesnt matter nowt to snag.





you have a few questions to answer here

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  paulus said:
wands hold the top line up. pegs do whot pegs do hold the bottom line down. 12 foot of net tied in evey 6ft by sewing into the top line useing 4oz nylon cord. then it can be as windy as it likes doesnt matter nowt to snag.


Many people i have met tie in there nets, this doesnt meen its wronge or right, just right for the person using that net. 12ft of net in a 6ft lenght of net still adds up to 100% bagging no mater how you look at it.

A few people i know tie in the bagging on thier trad set nets with the view point as it is gathered in the bagging still stays spread out evenly along the net, this may not be to everyones likeing but, if it works for you and all that.......


same as useing pegs on long nets in daytime when ferreting, some use pegs at night so the bottom line hugs the ground so to speak, others use leadlines. Try having a leadline on a 100yrd nets, IMHO it makes it so heavy the net becomes allmost unuseable.


i suppose at the end of the day it is all down to personal choice, but lets try and remember one thing, just because in your own opinion somthing doesnt sound right dont reject it as bulls**t untill youve tried it, afterall, its this that makes fieldsports so challanging as it is the methods as much as the quarry that needs to be mastered ;)

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  mole catcher said:
  paulus said:

wands hold the top line up. pegs do whot pegs do hold the bottom line down. 12 foot of net tied in evey 6ft by sewing into the top line useing 4oz nylon cord. then it can be as windy as it likes doesnt matter nowt to snag.


Many people i have met tie in there nets, this doesnt meen its wronge or right, just right for the person using that net. 12ft of net in a 6ft lenght of net still adds up to 100% bagging no mater how you look at it.

A few people i know tie in the bagging on thier trad set nets with the view point as it is gathered in the bagging still stays spread out evenly along the net, this may not be to everyones likeing but, if it works for you and all that.......


same as useing pegs on long nets in daytime when ferreting, some use pegs at night so the bottom line hugs the ground so to speak, others use leadlines. Try having a leadline on a 100yrd nets, IMHO it makes it so heavy the net becomes allmost unuseable.


i suppose at the end of the day it is all down to personal choice, but lets try and remember one thing, just because in your own opinion somthing doesnt sound right dont reject it as bulls**t untill youve tried it, afterall, its this that makes fieldsports so challanging as it is the methods as much as the quarry that needs to be mastered ;)




Very well said mate

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my problem is i aint very good at putting down on here [bANNED TEXT] i mean. Also i learnt my ways 30 years ago and have to use and adapt [bANNED TEXT] i can find/borrow or buy on the cheap. hence siesel nets, home made rings, hazel wands privet pegs, but as ive said they work for me. and if a purse net rots 10p and 25mins and ive got a new one. bargin....

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