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Just been having a look at diff Air Rifles...and i happened upon Gamo Hunter Extreme .177 and if i hadnt seen it on the video i would not have believed it...the guy shooting the video stopped a 180lb hog dead in its tracks.......This video was in america and i know the laws are diff than here......Surely that rifle would not be allowed in this country????.....If it is i want one lol


Has anybody shot or seen this rifle



This is a spring rifle

Edited by StevoSmith
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The Gamo Extreme Hunter in the video's on youtube is running somewhere around the 50ft.lb mark, so you could have one in the UK, but it would have to be on a firearms certificate.


As for using it to shoot pigs, let's just say I wouldn't fancy facing up to one with nothing more potent than a low powered air rifle to stop it!


More usual weapons for wild boar run in the range of 3000 ft.lb (no, that's not a typo, my .243 at 2500 ft.lb would be considered a bit anaemic for the job by some.) The French usually use solid slug 12 bore shells, firing over an ounce of lead at nigh on 1000 fps, and you'd normally have a semi auto or pump action with 5 or more slugs in the magazine. I've seen a wild boar take 4 solid slugs directly to the skull and keep on running for a good 30 yards. Those things are too stupid even to realise that they're dead!


So yes, in perfect conditions, with a perfect hit, a .177 air rifle can kill. There are several reported cases each year of human fatalities from sub 12 ft.lb air guns, but as a reliable, safe and humane method of killing, I think we all know the answer, it's simply not up to the job and the redneck lout should have it taken off him and shoved where the sun doesn't shine!

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This vid's cropped up before on here a while back :thumbdown:


Utterly stupid marketing and PR by Gammo, it gives folks totally the wrong idea as to what an airgun can do. There are some very high powered large calliber PCPs that are close to low powered fire arms but that Gammo's nowhere near those for power.


Gammo are Spanish though, so I guess from a country who's main national 'sport' is watching some nonce dressed up like a clown torturing an already wounded bull in front of thousands of baying idiots it's no big deal.



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