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Work AND track

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I think that brought as a pup and brought up as you would a lurcher they would be smashing on all quarry. Think about it, a pure greyhound is as fast as you can get, its undiluted and pure. Whatever you put into it (collie, bull, bedlington etc etc) waters it down and detracts from the speed. The only way of not detracting from the speed is to x it with another pure running dog (whippet for accelaration, saluki for stamina).


A retired greyhound (ex track dog) only knows straight ahead and straight lines and not for very long at a time. Its body, muscles and bones have developed to be doing that work. If trained from a pup to go round trees, over fences and to work for hours rather than minutes at a time its muscles and bones will be slightly different and it will have much better stamina.


All a sighthound really wants to do is chase and being as greys are so fast not much can get away from a properly trained, agile one with stamina.


What I would like to know is if there is anybody out there who has had a greyhound from a pup, brought it up as a lurcher and also used ut on the track?

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  On 03/01/2011 at 21:52, paddy said:

track greyhounds have been bred for years to be 30sec animals..so no a greyhound no matter what way it is reared will run all day like a good lurcher..a greyhound i,ve found is good for 4/5 hard runs (big quarry) on the lamp when fully fit..i have an ex-track bitch that is taking ALL quarry with ease,great recall etc.. but i just got lucky with her..on your other question i don't think anyone would work a greyhound aswell as run it on the track as its easy to injure a dog while out and about and thus ruining its track career


Any pics of your greyhound Paddy, whats her racing name?

She sounds a gooden. :thumbs:

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I had an ex track dog that worked and ran at our local track with some success. So yes I think it is possible. The only thing I found was he often missed races due to injuries from working, indeed that's what killed him in the end.

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Whats happened to paddy? :blink:


Sighthound what would your suggestion be if i wanted to get a pure grey and try it on both? Coursing lines im guessing? Or one parent coursing and the other track?


I reckon injuries are always gonna happen in working dogs. Its unavoidable. Nobody wants it to happen but the moment we take the cotton wool off and open the front door for them to go outside its possible. Just have to have all the bits and bobs for making them better ready and the phone number of a good vet at hand just in case. Sorry to hear about your one mate. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 17/01/2011 at 23:47, lurchermania said:

dave sleight the man from purdys progress... has 2 greyhounds they where coming on well when i last heard and will most probably be fully working pest controll dogs ... he never had a qaurell with them

a greyhound running loose over rough ground, woods etc dont think you,ll get many seasons with him,a tragedy waiting to happen unless your really really lucky,i,ve seen lots of dogs breack legs,hocks;and wrist muscle injuries on the track and most of them get plenty of freedom to run when growing up,their just to fast and they only see what their chasing,capable of running into anything but best of luck you,ll need it,why do u think the lurcher was bred, cos its got everything speed brains stamina.

Edited by tamc
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  On 19/01/2011 at 00:09, tamc said:
  On 17/01/2011 at 23:47, lurchermania said:

dave sleight the man from purdys progress... has 2 greyhounds they where coming on well when i last heard and will most probably be fully working pest controll dogs ... he never had a qaurell with them

a greyhound running loose over rough ground, woods etc dont think you,ll get many seasons with him,a tragedy waiting to happen unless your really really lucky,i,ve seen lots of dogs breack legs,hocks;and wrist muscle injuries on the track and most of them get plenty of freedom to run when growing up,their just to fast and they only see what their chasing,capable of running into anything but best of luck you,ll need it,why do u think the lurcher was bred, cos its got everything speed brains stamina.

dont take this the wrong mate but how does this comment apply to my post... and i think dave would have something to say about that ( he is the onyy professional lurcher trainer in the country mate so .......... no offence intended

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  On 17/01/2011 at 23:47, lurchermania said:

dave sleight the man from purdys progress... has 2 greyhounds they where coming on well when i last heard and will most probably be fully working pest controll dogs ... he never had a qaurell with them


Me and Dave go way back,not seen him for years, he's a very good dog man :thumbs:

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