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Guest ceredigion bull cross


i agree....got a cross bow myself .......barnett comando mk 2 , i think the bolts clock somewhere around 230 feet per second......SILENT....

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i live near guildford and am good friends with a lot of traverllers. one night i heard the dogs barking but thought nothing of it but they did stop then i heard my padlock on my pen hitr the floor so i got out of bed went to the window and sure enough i could just make out a couple of fellas.


now i always keep my catapult and a few lead shots on my window sill i slowly opened the window picked up my catapult and a shot. flicked the light on and they froze so oi pulled the elastics back as hard as i could and let fly right in the mans back and he sqweeled like a pig.


i went for another shot and missed trhe other ones head by inches.


as they were running off i shouted "next time it will be the 12 bore" and ive neva had trouble since


f**k the lot of them :angry:

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Guest bluenose

One day last week a bloke came around and asked to buy my boy's car dressed in flat cap and tweed jacket sunday evening about 5.30 the dogs where barking [ two bedlingtons and a whippet ] my wife turned on the outside light and there at the gate not 10 yds from the house two guys one in a flat cap and tweed jacket they turned and run off when she looked out of the window and a blue transit type van roared off up the road

RIGHT how do I catch them or deal with them when they come back I live in the guildford area

my mate had all 3 of his dogs taken from his garden today while he was in hospital with his son .we are only 15 miles from guildford coincidence or what? :hmm:

dont f**k about shoot the b*****ds

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make an electric fence,get some wire run a curcit from the garden gate to the nearest socket to the back door,and let 240 volts sort the thieving fuckers out :blink: once seen an local old guy stop cats pinching his goldfish with this method,trust me it works :laugh::laugh:

Edited by BITCH
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it scares me to death not just becouse there good dogs but how they would be treated i would kill them :censored: good luck pokeyi have to lock mine in my garage becouse one got out back fence smashed ;) dog warden found i dont think she was stolen only one gone she was found early morning but i hate these dog thieves

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hi Pokey! You had a lucky escape there. :yes: I wasn't so lucky. I had 2 jack russells stolen :censored: from my backgarden, one in june 2004. the first one that went was Bow. she had a brown face and white body (pic below), the other one, Bella, the tri-colour (pic below) went in april 2005. A neighbour said she saw a van stop outside the gates at the side of the house, a man get out, walk to the front of the house and knock the door and walk straight back to the side gate. He picked her up over the gate, threw her in the van and drove off. she got the number plate and the police found it a few days later, dumped. Nothing ever came of it. :censored: We never heard anything again about either of them. Gutting! :no:


I highered the wall 3 feet all round,and had bigger gates done. Had three other dogs since and so far, no trouble! But if anyone has seen any of these dogs could you lease pm me cos we would still take them back. :clapper:

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Hi , i wasn´t kidding about the watchdog´s ! They are bred to work alone in the mountains , to watch after the sheep ! I saw a Video with 2 of them attacking a Bear wich saw in the sheep´s easy meal´s but ... i didn´t know that a bear can run that fast after a little fight with them !

Saw single working Kangal´s in turkey wich "kill" in one night 3 Wolfes !

Better the thieves shot a watchdog than one of you or your family ! Next time your wife going to look after your dog´s because she hear something ... better they shoot the dog and your wife got the time to hide than they shoot on her !



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my mate has found one of his dogs heard on the radio this morning that a dog matching the description of his dog had been found about 20 miles away. gets over there finds it is his dog about a hundred yards away from someone he knew who had recently been out with him and the dogs cant find the other two any where but judging by what will be happening to matey wont be long before he gets them back too


my mate has found one of his dogs heard on the radio this morning that a dog matching the description of his dog had been found about 20 miles away. gets over there finds it is his dog about a hundred yards away from someone he knew who had recently been out with him and the dogs cant find the other two any where but judging by what will be happening to matey wont be long before he gets them back too

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