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help stockbreaking pup(yorkshire area)

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can any body help with stockbreaking my pup i have no permission to go near livestock and ive got a 16 week old pup .with out doing the obvious and just pulling up at the side of a farmers field .is there anybody local to leeds who could help me out ,i know this is a big ask with lambing just around the corner but just maybee a couple of hours mooching around land with stock is all thats required.the pup will be under the stricktest supervision and is good with other dogs and is well socialised ,im not a mega hunter or or a lamping fanatic but ive been rabbiting this year with a guy of this site and want to set myself up for next year .not bothered about the distance i have to travel stock breaking pup more important .

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I had a similar problem mate.


No permission with livestock but wanted to stockbreak just incase I get permission with livestock in future.


I found a public footpath running through a field of sheep and took him through it a couple of times on a 10 foot extendable lead.


Let him sniff and call him back, lots of praise when he comes back.


I did this 2 or 3 times, also walk him through country lanes alot and let him see cows/sheep/horses through gates etc.


This morning I went for a mooch and came across a herd of about 30 sheep. Pup had a look and took a few steps towards them, I called him and he came straight to me. He didn't make any attempt to run at them or chase.


He is only 16 weeks so fingers crossed this is the start of a stock steady dog.


Good luck.



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  On 31/12/2010 at 11:58, jimster68 said:

can any body help with stockbreaking my pup i have no permission to go near livestock and ive got a 16 week old pup .with out doing the obvious and just pulling up at the side of a farmers field .is there anybody local to leeds who could help me out ,i know this is a big ask with lambing just around the corner but just maybee a couple of hours mooching around land with stock is all thats required.the pup will be under the stricktest supervision and is good with other dogs and is well socialised ,im not a mega hunter or or a lamping fanatic but ive been rabbiting this year with a guy of this site and want to set myself up for next year .not bothered about the distance i have to travel stock breaking pup more important .

if you want help mate would all like to no at least were your from

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  On 01/01/2011 at 19:21, jimster68 said:

im from leeds ,ive tried to add it to my profile but it just aint happening?

ok mate sorry to ask if there is no were you can go but you should just take your dog to any farm and cross on the foot path its easy if not you can have the afternoon on my dads farm there is sheep and cows there but im from wrexham 55 mils away

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  On 31/12/2010 at 11:58, jimster68 said:

can any body help with stockbreaking my pup i have no permission to go near livestock and ive got a 16 week old pup .with out doing the obvious and just pulling up at the side of a farmers field .is there anybody local to leeds who could help me out ,i know this is a big ask with lambing just around the corner but just maybee a couple of hours mooching around land with stock is all thats required.the pup will be under the stricktest supervision and is good with other dogs and is well socialised ,im not a mega hunter or or a lamping fanatic but ive been rabbiting this year with a guy of this site and want to set myself up for next year .not bothered about the distance i have to travel stock breaking pup more important .

to chabge were you are mate click on your pic and then on top right you will see eddit profile you click that and change it

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You really need somewhere you can keep going back to time and time again Jim, one day wont solve it. Young pups act different to adolescent ones who have a world of confidence and deaf ears, which act different to adult dogs starting to hunt, with the instinct kicking in.

Good luck :thumbs:



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thanks for the replys,but today ive had a bit of a result i was driving around a few country lanes and every sheep was over 50 yards away and to be honest it was doing mi tits in .so being a bit of a tryer i remembered we have a an urban farm in leeds so i went for a visit and it was shut apart from one guy who was feeding the live stock .i asked him if i could take my pup around as it needed stock breaking and his reply was ,NO PROBLEM MATE AS LONG AS YOU KEEP IT UNDER CONTROL i

then asked if they had any sheep and he replyed ,not many mate but if you walk down that path theres about 50 LOL .I spent about half an hour feeding the sheep by hand with the pup at my feet he was sniffing the sheep nose to nose,apart from one playfull yap things went well (i corrected the pup when he tried to play )so now ive got the ball rolling hopefully its problem solved .im going to try and visit as much as i can over the next few months .

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Result there Jimmy.I keep meaning to give you a bell mate i just been busy over the holidays.I working local for next few month mate so will have a few weekends off in you wanna have a pop up with dogs.Ill get machine out or well go for a mooch where plenty of cattle :thumbs:

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