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A introduction prior to the next section meet


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Hello everyone,


I'm using Simons log on as I don’t know enough about shooting and hunting yet to have any real input into the forum, plus I enjoy just sitting with Simon and reading the threads from you guys.


I wanted to be polite as Davys meet post and introduce myself to you prior to the next section meet so you know what I look like and who I am going out with.


I like shooting but Simon has only been learning me the sport since June this year and have not yet shot anything live due to Simon wanting me to get more experience on paper cards first.


I have already met quite a few of the regulars on here in person at the last meet and am really looking forward to meeting other members at the next meet if me and Simon can make it and his work fits around the date.


Please everyone have a lovely New Year and I hope to speak and have a drink with you all at a later date.


Laura (LJ)


Edited by zini
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elo laura

its about time you got on here (get yourself another photo) that bloke on the right spoils it lol

i hope you two can make the next meet it will be good to see yous all again

make sure that tony dont drink to much while he's over there i know he can be a bad influence ,,take it easy

all the best to you and si for the new year



atb gary

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Hi Darryl, i look forward to meeting you too soon, Simon has told me lots about you and Gary.


Hi Gary, I look forward to seeing you again.


Tony is being a good boy and not leading Simon astray :laugh:



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Hello Laura.

I'm another Simon. Nice to see you here and very much looking forward to meeting simon and Yourself at the 'meet' thingy in the new year. I hope you are getting the same enjoyment from your shooting as the next of us here.


A very happy new year and all the very best to you both.



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Hi Laura,


It was good to meet both you and Si at my uncle Marks on the Sat before christmas wasnt the snow bad.


Hope you both had a nice christmas and all of you including Tony have a cool New Year.


Look forwards to meeting you all again in the new year.



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Hey Laura............how you doing? :kiss: About time we had some lasses on here to keep us all in line.It wont be long before you start posting your kills on here, you've got an excellent teacher. :thumbs: Happy New Year to you all




PS.Does LJ stand for Lubbly Jubbly? :hmm:

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