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Hello I'm a 20 year old Maltese guy, have been out bird hunting with my father when a small kid but I couldn't keep on going since I have Chemistry and Biology and they are tough subjects. I wish to graduate from my graduate as a BSc. Chemistry and Biology double honors student and then go study to become a veterinary surgeon in Hungary or one of those countries in that area since most other universities are out of my budget. I wish to become a wildlife vet and aid in conservation and i want to learn how to hunt and do some honest hunting myself. I believe that they can go hand in hand when people are educated and are mature about their hunting. Currently in Malta people are not that responsible me and my father had to even cure birds of prey ourselves from gunshots and we couldn't take them into a shelter or otherwise they blame us for shooting it. I want to work to educate the Maltese people someday and meet some good honest hunters like i want to be. Hope I'm welcome to this forum and I'm not offending/ bothering anyone with my presence. Thanks.

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