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Pup over-running training dummy

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Now then folks,


Out with the pup tonight practicing with the lamp and rabbit skin dummy, she runs out well and always retrieves but almost always she runs past the dummy a few feet due to too much speed then turns round and picks it up for the retrieve. Is this common with a young dog? Will she learn with time or the real thing next season? Any advice welcome as it's my 1st lurcher. She's almost 6 months




Edited by hargreavesheber
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Hi mate, be carefull how much marking work you give her because this could affect her lamping. Your better off concentrating on the lamping first then day work when she`s a bit older,she`s still young yet and when she sees another dog work the lamp she will soon learn, Good luck mate.

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Now then folks,


Out with the pup tonight practicing with the lamp and rabbit skin dummy, she runs out well and always retrieves but almost always she runs past the dummy a few feet due to too much speed then turns round and picks it up for the retrieve. Is this common with a young dog? Will she learn with time or the real thing next season? Any advice welcome as it's my 1st lurcher. She's almost 6 months



she'll probaly do it with the rabbits and all like mate at first but its all just learning for the dog thats how i trained mine with the skin and the lamp and he soon got the hang of looking down the beam

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