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Is there an end to it.

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One of the places i do is very near suberbia with a housing estate at the bottem end of the ground .A sloping field leads down to a stream with a patch of rough the other side ,then a footpath ,then road ,then houses.We set off on the upper fields seeing the two lamp shy foxes as usual but it was always in the back of my mind that we would find a fresh fox on the lower ground .Strange, but i almost pictured the shot and when it happened the resemblence was uncanny to be honest .My mate picked out an eye in some scrub the other side the stream,a very bright eye that could well of belonged to one of the many cats around here .Keeping the lamp on we moved in a bit and i squeeked once .Most foxes here have heard and seen me before so a long call is most often counterproductive.Just enough to get its attention is the method here these days .Immediate response from the eye and it ran to the stream edge ,stretching its body out as it came down the stream side towards us,youve all seen it im sure with one foot in front and tail out straight .It froze in this position long enough for me to shoot it , the dejavue was unreal .

A good sized dog fox in perfect nick due ,i think to a good living from household scraps subsidised by chicken and ducks from my farmer friend !.


Left the body outside the dairy as he likes to see the results of my trips out .

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