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This book is unique ,Brilliant photos and the captions at the back givin you the information on the dog is very clever , got all Darcy's work and he is a very talented man with a pen and a camera,think a lot of that is too do with his love of wildlife and obviously his work he does with his dog's, down too earth good lad as well.

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John darcy i think its time for me to say a few things about my recent comments on this thread ive thought long and hard about what i have said and fully admit its come out wrong and made me look a t

the same way as i did by getting out there and doing it for yourself not dreaming about it while reading books and i was "there" but with my own dogs and doing my own thing i can remember when i br

how do you waste beath ian??? and rise to what exactly?? an opinion?? a view?? believe it of not theres other people out there who have done enough with dogs to have an opinion on ALL THINGS connected

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It's a lovely photo album. I had the book out on Christmas day to show family and friends from abroad, and again on Boxing Day (Local Hunt).

Mixed comments as expected with any book. That's the fun of writing one or two. ;)


I'm with Johnny, I do like a good read coupled with Some photo's, and yes a picture can tell a story or two. Photo's do sell these days, and people want to see photo's in their books that they buy.


This photo album certainly whisked me back to memory lane.





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It's a lovely photo album. I had the book out on Christmas day to show family and friends from abroad, and again on Boxing Day (Local Hunt).

Mixed comments as expected with any book. That's the fun of writing one or two. ;)


I'm with Johnny, I do like a good read coupled with Some photo's, and yes a picture can tell a story or two. Photo's do sell these days, and people want to see photo's in their books that they buy.


This photo album certainly whisked me back to memory lane.







here here... how are you, you been quite, sent you a pm...Russ

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j darcy [bANNED TEXT] a legend that man is and knows his dogs to

i wouldnt say that just because he has wrote a few books and "knows his dogs" he is a legend :blink: :blink: we could all write a book but most prefer to keep it to themselves :thumbs: :thumbs:



I think its more than a few stewie, lol... A footballer who scores a few goals can become a legend, so why take it away from the guy who said it, if thats what he wants, then so be it..


You say you could write a book, lol. maybe so, and yes people do keep it to themselves but if books werent wrote, how would you and i and others learn. I used to love reading about dogs, fishing, birds, football, etc when i was a kid,(and still do) it would have been pretty boring without a book or two...


Maybe because you werent around in those days, it doesnt give you the feeling it does the people who were there... I am not asking you to like the man, or the book... Hope you wouldnt tell a kid that farther christmas isnt real..Atb ..and all the best for the new year.

the same way as i did by getting out there and doing it for yourself not dreaming about it while reading books :thumbs: and i was "there" but with my own dogs and doing my own thing :thumbs: i can remember when i brought "extreme lurcherwork" and i lent it to an old guy i used to work with, he brought it back and his words were "if you young lads think thats extreme, then you need to get out more" :laugh: i have to tread carefully here as i dont want to get banned (again :laugh: )over hunting books but i stand by what i said last time books on hunting only give antis priceless information about how its done and for what??? profit?? status?? to be a "legend"?? he even got slated in edrd for the deer poaching chapter in one book that detailed everything about a night poaching deer :doh: :doh: and in one book puts a picture of a pitbull up saying they add fire and power to the lurcher when they are banned :doh: :doh: also he never posts on here about his dogs but knocks out books about them, do we have to pay for the privilege to hear about them :hmm: :hmm: but the one that really does it for me is when he says be careful about putting pictures on here when his books are full of dead foxes and deer :doh: :doh: but each to there own and its your money so its your choice and this is just my opinion on a very public matter :yes: yes he might be good with a camera and "know his dogs" but he is certainly no legend :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Books do have their place in our game,its how i first started learning. Trouble is that books and photos can glorify some aspects of hunting that, to be honest, dont need glorifying.

Never judge yourself by what others do,get out there and do it for yourself. :victory:

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Books do have their place in our game,its how i first started learning. Trouble is that books and photos can glorify some aspects of hunting that, to be honest, dont need glorifying.

Never judge yourself by what others do,get out there and do it for yourself. :victory:

:victory: spot on

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Stewie, you will never beat hands on experience.


Authors write books because they have a passion to write and share their experiences and thoughts with the reader. It's the time and place to put all your thoughts in a permanent place.


There are many types of writers, but to be an article writer, i.e (Hunting Books), you have to be very opinionated, and know your material and facts very well to succeed.


Anyone can make up a book these days, but that doesn't mean you become an author/writer. To become an author is another kettle of fish all together.

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j darcy [bANNED TEXT] a legend that man is and knows his dogs to

i wouldnt say that just because he has wrote a few books and "knows his dogs" he is a legend :blink: :blink: we could all write a book but most prefer to keep it to themselves :thumbs: :thumbs:


"we could all write a book" , :no: i dowt that very much, and i think wurzelbert was taking the piss,


i like this book and some of his others,, and ive met him a number of times and find him a geniun guy. :thumbs:

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j darcy [bANNED TEXT] a legend that man is and knows his dogs to

i wouldnt say that just because he has wrote a few books and "knows his dogs" he is a legend :blink: :blink: we could all write a book but most prefer to keep it to themselves :thumbs: :thumbs:



I think its more than a few stewie, lol... A footballer who scores a few goals can become a legend, so why take it away from the guy who said it, if thats what he wants, then so be it..


You say you could write a book, lol. maybe so, and yes people do keep it to themselves but if books werent wrote, how would you and i and others learn. I used to love reading about dogs, fishing, birds, football, etc when i was a kid,(and still do) it would have been pretty boring without a book or two...


Maybe because you werent around in those days, it doesnt give you the feeling it does the people who were there... I am not asking you to like the man, or the book... Hope you wouldnt tell a kid that farther christmas isnt real..Atb ..and all the best for the new year.

the same way as i did by getting out there and doing it for yourself not dreaming about it while reading books :thumbs: and i was "there" but with my own dogs and doing my own thing :thumbs: i can remember when i brought "extreme lurcherwork" and i lent it to an old guy i used to work with, he brought it back and his words were "if you young lads think thats extreme, then you need to get out more" :laugh: i have to tread carefully here as i dont want to get banned (again :laugh: )over hunting books but i stand by what i said last time books on hunting only give antis priceless information about how its done and for what??? profit?? status?? to be a "legend"?? he even got slated in edrd for the deer poaching chapter in one book that detailed everything about a night poaching deer :doh: :doh: and in one book puts a picture of a pitbull up saying they add fire and power to the lurcher when they are banned :doh: :doh: also he never posts on here about his dogs but knocks out books about them, do we have to pay for the privilege to hear about them :hmm: :hmm: but the one that really does it for me is when he says be careful about putting pictures on here when his books are full of dead foxes and deer :doh: :doh: but each to there own and its your money so its your choice and this is just my opinion on a very public matter :yes: yes he might be good with a camera and "know his dogs" but he is certainly no legend :thumbs: :thumbs:



stewie, i wasnt having a go at you earlier and stillarent...


You say you were there.... which ones did you go to? forley? calender? etc. or maybe you meant you had been running on the fens when it was legal. Ok, thats good but how do you not get that buzz what is associated with it, when you look at the pics in such detail. When you see the mud clogging up around the dogs feet on every turn, the spins, jumps, twists and flips? surely it must mean something to a guy who was up and at them at 1st light on the massive land, the smell, the mist, the anticipation...


And as for the book writing, it is very difficult. We all can write a diary, but to make it appealing to others is very difficult.. I have written short stories, in fishing mags.. and quarterly published books(same size as earth dog running dog) and beleive me you sit there racking your brains, not on what happened, or how it happened but how to make other people want to carry on with your story.... I was asked to write a paragraph in a publication, and basically bottled it and turned it down... I feared i wasnt up to the same level as the other guys in the book and didnt want to make a twat (i know what your thinking, lol) of myself... you seem to rescent Darcy..


And in every book i have read of his, he clearly states preban....

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Can we stop going on about " these sort of books give ammo to antis " , its such a load of crap ! Antis know all what we get up to , and what they dont , they will make up to sensationalise it to the public.!As for the articles on deer poaching , so what , it does happen , mentioning pitbulls , so what , thats gone on aswell , Darcy said he was going to make the books true to life , for years people moaned that Plummers books were bullshit , now some moan Darcys are too factual , try getting out and doing abit instead of criticising .!

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This book is unique ,Brilliant photos and the captions at the back givin you the information on the dog is very clever , got all Darcy's work and he is a very talented man with a pen and a camera,think a lot of that is too do with his love of wildlife and obviously his work he does with his dog's, down too earth good lad as well.


Thats spot on Frank , Jon is the only person i know who can give me an answer via text when i spot a bird & send him a vague description of it :laugh:


A very modest man & i think anyone who can put pen to paper in this fickle environment deserves a pat on the back :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Can we stop going on about " these sort of books give ammo to antis " , its such a load of crap ! Antis know all what we get up to , and what they dont , they will make up to sensationalise it to the public.!As for the articles on deer poaching , so what , it does happen , mentioning pitbulls , so what , thats gone on aswell , Darcy said he was going to make the books true to life , for years people moaned that Plummers books were bullshit , now some moan Darcys are too factual , try getting out and doing abit instead of criticising .!




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This book is unique ,Brilliant photos and the captions at the back givin you the information on the dog is very clever , got all Darcy's work and he is a very talented man with a pen and a camera,think a lot of that is too do with his love of wildlife and obviously his work he does with his dog's, down too earth good lad as well.


Thats spot on Frank , Jon is the only person i know who can give me an answer via text when i spot a bird & send him a vague description of it :laugh:


A very modest man & i think anyone who can put pen to paper in this fickle environment deserves a pat on the back :thumbs: :thumbs:



how do you know that kay, you havent pm'd me yet.. :D:D


Can i just say, good debate, lets no all turn it into an argument... opinions make a forum and indeed a book..

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