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when is the best time of year for decoying pigeons ?

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  On 29/12/2010 at 11:19, x38 said:
  On 28/12/2010 at 23:24, lampingking said:

when is the best timeof year for decoy shooting at pigeons , thanks


i think the easiest time would be when the crops are up in the summer and we have had rain and got flat /laid crops watch for the birds coming on to them and then set your magnet and flaper up on the laid patch you dont need decoys and you should have a good bag 200/300+ birds .... but till then look for birds fliting over your permission and decoy them ......this way your geting a lot of traffic over you decoys good look :thumbs: and keep at them .... ps if thay are on the feild at this time of year you not going to get much sport set up 2feilds away on the flight line :thumbs:



  On 01/01/2011 at 13:14, shotgunny said:


mate pretty much a flight is the road the birds take to and from feeding areas.

Having decoys under you flight line will bring the birds down into them providing your on the field the birds are feeding on.

If you are four fields away from the flightline the birds won't see your decoys and inturn won't come and decoy in.

Hope it helps






i put on the flight line ffs the birds will pass over your decoys going to and from this way ............A.feeding fieald....................B.you with your decoys 2 fields away on the flightline this way your not shooting at 100s at a time ..............C..roost wood .. :thumbs:

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You can shoot big bags of pigeons at any time of the year.


There are 2 main factors that will help you on the way to a big bag.


1, The weather.....I've found overcast with a good breeze helps a lot.


2, The birds feeding habits.......What they are feeding on, the availability of food in that area and the amount of time they have to spend feeding on it.


Get these two working in your favour and your half way there before you start!



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Hi lampingking, you seem to have opened a can of worms.

In easy language........there is no real better time for decoying it all depends on the area your in. During the summer months there can be some excellent days over fresh chitted, laid, or harvested crops however it takes more than luck. You need to do some leg work watching certain areas for a few days with bino's and checking the crops for damage etc. It sometimes comes together real easy and other times its a pain but never give up.

Winter time can be frustrating, you get massive flocks that can be in excess of 2000/3000 birds, but the big flocks can up and off so easily and leave you scratching your head. When the weather is bad, ie snow heavy frosts you may find that the fields of say rape that clear the first will almost certainly attract more than their fair share of interest from the pigeons, these can be the bonus days for you. Around me there are many shoots that have cover strips that get fed well for the partridge/pheasant, these are the main pulling areas for the pigeons now as its easy food and grain is mostly preffered as it fills them up better. If you can get to shoot near or on a flightline close to these areas you will have some good days, however , to shoot 200/300 regular you have either got to be special or on the merry juice. No disrespect but these days are one in a hundred and 30 to 100 more realistic on an average day.

Try putting flags out or bangers on surrounding fields to keep the birds off these and it just increases your chances, also take a few dead birds for floaters and put a few off your pattern.

I am no expert but have had some very good days as well as some bad days, you cant make the birds come in if they dont want to but everything you do increases your chances for a good day.

I hope this helps and as they say chin up!

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some impressive pictures there mate well done

  On 01/01/2011 at 20:32, mj robson said:

You can shoot big bags of pigeons at any time of the year.


There are 2 main factors that will help you on the way to a big bag.


1, The weather.....I've found overcast with a good breeze helps a lot.


2, The birds feeding habits.......What they are feeding on, the availability of food in that area and the amount of time they have to spend feeding on it.


Get these two working in your favour and your half way there before you start!



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