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feeding meat

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My ferrets have always gotten fresh raw meat all winter and ferret biscuit all summer. I've read about people feeding only during the night during summer and feeding meat with not much problem with the flies but ferrets have to eat little and often so would they not be starving hungry all day? i'd like to feed meat all year round cus i hate that over priced rubbish not to mention it makes them shit for england!!!

Thanks, Aaron.

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The only thing with summer meat feeding is the risk of food poisoning. Be very careful to clean out every scrap of untouched food. As anything left behind will soon get fly blown with risk of maggots which will soon hatch into more flies and the more flies the less popular you are going to be with family/neighbours. I still believe that complete food is better in the summer unless you live in the middle of nowhere with no neighbours to complain.


Just my opinion.

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Feed them a mixture of lights and cat biscuits, with lots of water bottles available. Keep the bottles covered from the light if you can - saves cleaning the algae out so often. Summer is the time of the year where they require lots of TLC with the cleaning etc.


In terms of how often - i feed them once a day, every evening. Works well in the summer as most flies arent around at 9/10pm. Ferrets only eat what they want at the time and store the rest anyway - just be mindful of clearing all the old meat out everyday - otherwise that's where you get maggots!



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