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ferret wont come out , again

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whent ferreting today , 25 bunnies in the bag , 5 came away

but ..... my jill refuse to come out , i started a topic over that yesturday but now i dont no what to do anymore !!!

it is a ferret from last year , so i am working her for a little year now , she started verry good from day one

realy , not often a jong ferret works so good the first year !

and she was onely getting better and better .

until about two months ago , then it all started to go bad , she is hunting and working like crazy !!!!!! but wont come out , she make the complete warrens , until the last bunnie is out , then she come to have a look , and from the first thing she see me , she is back down !

a min later she is there again , out another hole , i go to her , let her smell my hand , and evverything is ok , until i reach fot her , then she is back down the hole .

and so on and on !

i have gave her the time to come out of her own , but then she lays up at the hole , so i can see her and she is looking at me .

this go's on and on

she is the best working ferret you could wish for , but wont let me take her up


any tips ?

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oh forgot to say ,

she always came out the night stay as i whent to feed the ferrets , and now not anymore , my other jill does , when she see ore hear me she is there , but the problem jill does not anymore , this from the time it all started to go bad with her

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mine come when i call them. squeek when you feed them then ater a while they think your going to feed them when you squeek and come running. i even squeek and give them a little treat just when ever im around so they know its not just in the cage there going to get food.


untill they get used to this just let her lock onto a dead rabbit to remove her, most of the time they wont let go so you can remove them. some times they do just depends on how much she wants to avoid you lol.

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If youve tried all the good advice given from your previous post to no avail id suggest not trying to pick her up at the mouth....simply leave her until she surfaces fully and pick her up away from the hole....its only been a very short time since your last post on the subject and these things wont change overnight so be patient,keep up the handling/training and im sure this "skulikng" will resolve itself....atb

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  On 28/12/2010 at 19:57, heritage said:

If youve tried all the good advice given from your previous post to no avail id suggest not trying to pick her up at the mouth....simply leave her until she surfaces fully and pick her up away from the hole....its only been a very short time since your last post on the subject and these things wont change overnight so be patient,keep up the handling/training and im sure this "skulikng" will resolve itself....atb

good advise that mine come out all the time and if i me=iss my jill coming out she goes back in the nox will try put the vids of her on here if i can do it

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Mine is like it to mate, pops up but as soon as she thinks shes going in the box she is off. I tend to coax her out with a bunny or just let her come all the way out and pick her up. She has done a runner before to which had us chasing her about a wood for a good hour plus she's like lightning, I'm sure she's got some wild in her :hmm:

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hi all there ,

again thanks for thr many good tips , but , a rabbit = she is to smart , just let the rabbit go if i started pulling !and back down the hole .

i squeek if i go feed them , the other ferrets reply to it , but she does not !(anymore !!!)

i have gave her the time to come out on her self = again no luck there , ( i go sit on the box from a distance and she does the same :whistling: , she just lays up at the mouth of the hole and just lays there watching me about a hole hour long !!!

she is as fast as lightning !


:doh: :doh: :doh:

any tips left ??? :wallbash:

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the ferret is peeping called a peeper no good :no: :no: .have you tried just letting the ferret move about above ground in the garden different environment to been in a cage and carrybox ,we have a couple ferrets we just put on the top of warrens and they go were they want 99% of the time were the rabbits are when nothing left below straight back out no peeping hope this helps

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Might sound wierd but have you done anything to her that makes her wary or scared of you?


I.e shut her paw in the hutch/court door, or dug down to her and accidently got her with the spade etc?


If it is that just build her trust up again and slowly but surely it should all start to work again :)



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