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pic of my pup

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nice pup mate, first time i seen the green green grass for weeks! i carnt wait to get back to the wet, raining and cold days and nights rather then frozen!


any chance of alittle more info?

how old, dog, bitch and whats it the pup




sorry , yes it was nice to see grass for a change ,and i hope its going to stay this mild as iam sick of the white stuff :thumbdown:


hes a bullxgreyxcollie x 3\4whippet 1\4grey 7months 25tts

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:thumbs: feck me bud he has come on a treat, looking spot on fair play, should be a quick feeler aswell.



hes commin on good as he was the runt and i didnt think he would of made it , but a little help from me and the misses and hes come good , should have a good few gears in him , time will tell :thumbs:

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