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Fitting night vision to a standard scope

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I am planning fitting a Yucon night vision NMVT 3x42 to my bushnel scope on my CZ 22, as an experiment.


I have a bit of rubber tube and have managed to get it to attach the two together, and by turning the whole NV unit i can get the crosshairs clearly into vision. I cannot test it properly at the moment as it is too light with all the snow on the ground, but will this set up work? The rubber tube is solid enough to make the whole unit stable and it is comfortable in use. In a darkened garage it works but nothing is in focus as the whole set up will not allow focus at such short ranges.


I think getting the target into focus with a paralax scope and the focus of the NV as well may be a but of a scuter and not worth it, but if anyone has experience of this it would be very much appreciated. If it works i may fit it to my HMR later as well.


It may be the best idea ever or, probably more likely the result of cabin fever at christmas, i hope to get out shooting later in the week and may recover from thie idea, but your thoughts and views would be appreciated



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What you're suggesting sounds feasible - it's no different to the Yukon NVMT1 system or the Cobra Merlin or the Archer.  You're right about needing to get the parallax right on the scope.  The other thing to watch is that the 3x mag is of what your NV sees in the scope, so this will affect your distance perception.  It'll also make your field of view pretty small and very flat (so fine focus needed).  I use a Cobra on the back of day scope and find it an excellent tool, but others will disagree - but that's not your question.  AO on your scope should solve your problem looking at decent range.  You'll also need an additional IR source (if you don't already have one)<div><br></div><div>HTH<br><br>



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many Thanks for that.


I thought it would work, and will mess about with it more soon. I guess the scope on minimum mag and the NV just focused could be the answer. the NV has a wee IR light but i also have a IR cover for my lamp so this may work well. t will be a deal of messing about but will be fun trying i guess. The lamp on the landy roof is a 3-400mtr light and the filter works excellently. I know it will be a struggle to get everything set right but that is part of the fun!


By the way, what does &nbsp mean. I am sure it will be obvious when explaned but as an old chap i am not up on some of the text speak stuff


thanks for the help



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&nbsp is html web page mark-up for a space (specifically a non break space between words where you don't want them split between lines) normally you wouldn't even know they are there but for some unexplained reason they are showing up in that post. Just ignore them.



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many Thanks for that.


I thought it would work, and will mess about with it more soon. I guess the scope on minimum mag and the NV just focused could be the answer. the NV has a wee IR light but i also have a IR cover for my lamp so this may work well. t will be a deal of messing about but will be fun trying i guess. The lamp on the landy roof is a 3-400mtr light and the filter works excellently. I know it will be a struggle to get everything set right but that is part of the fun!


By the way, what does &nbsp mean. I am sure it will be obvious when explaned but as an old chap i am not up on some of the text speak stuff


thanks for the help




And just for the record mate orangeeric wasn't calling you a div either...

As halamrose stated earlier <div> is another form of a web mark-up which means division.:thumbs:

Just thought l should point that out incase there was any ill feeling caused.


all the best Callum

Edited by mangy1983
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