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Do you personally dislike immigrants?

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Ive noticed before Wilf you tend to go with the " replace our own shit with a good foreign substitute " kind of thing......but myself i dont buy it.......maybe i live in a dream world i dont know,but what ever happened to sorting out our own problems......yes theres plenty of English shitbags not living correctly....but to give up on them and simply replace them with people who dont even belong here is just selling ourselves out as a nation........


Im sure like everyone else you heard the previous generation telling us we should all do national service ....that will put us all in line bla bla bla........well f**k it id rather bring in some old school method like that than run to some third world country and scrape up their shit for our needs.


If its a case of putting energy into getting tough on our own society and dragging them kicking and screaming into improving themself,by force if necessary.....then id rather we did that.


Fair reply mate, I am not really suggesting replacing anyone if I am honest, just making the point that you cant point fingers until we can look in the mirror as a society.


I am no rascist, I hate all sorts of people....and personally I wouldnt waste another penny on trying to improve any of those that plainly are not worth the effort.

Theres a solution for them, but even the so called far right dont have the guts or the belief to utter its name.



I hope you dont mean what i think you do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .come dine with me ! :laugh:

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