shepp 2,285 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 I have been out with pretty much every race of woman and the only line I draw is on muslims. I think it's not fair to segregate people on race lines when it comes to who they marry, if people want to fit into our society then we should give them every opportunity. If not I would them off out in a second. There will always be millions of people from different races here and I would love to pull up the draw bridge but we have to get along with those who are settled here for good or born here. why not a muslim you had the rest Well every time I've heard of a person getting mixed up with a muslim, there always seems to be complications. Family dis-owns them, brothers want to kill the partner or at best the family want the partner to convert. All pretty fu.cked up so best avoided. Shepp Quote Link to post Share on other sites
readie 184 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 I have been out with pretty much every race of woman and the only line I draw is on muslims. I think it's not fair to segregate people on race lines when it comes to who they marry, if people want to fit into our society then we should give them every opportunity. If not I would them off out in a second. There will always be millions of people from different races here and I would love to pull up the draw bridge but we have to get along with those who are settled here for good or born here. why do we have to get along with people who are settled not going to get along with anyone who does not like the british way of life and as for race mixing its a no go,its not on people breeding mix breeds stick to your own colours. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
andyfr1968 772 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 You still can't answer whether you think nazi views are right, instead you act superior to others with your ignore list, why don't you contribute to the debate rather than coming up with crap. Neither Malt or Gnasher were advocating nazi views, Olim. They're only saying what life has shown them and I agree. I'm not raceist but I can see what's going on around me. I don't live in a nice little village where the Daily Telegraph tells me what the world is all about, I've lived a bit and can only comment on what life has shown me. Give yourself a few years in the real world, fella.... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
olim 28 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 You still can't answer whether you think nazi views are right, instead you act superior to others with your ignore list, why don't you contribute to the debate rather than coming up with crap. Neither Malt or Gnasher were advocating nazi views, Olim. They're only saying what life has shown them and I agree. I'm not raceist but I can see what's going on around me. I don't live in a nice little village where the Daily Telegraph tells me what the world is all about, I've lived a bit and can only comment on what life has shown me. Give yourself a few years in the real world, fella.... Fair enough, but I just dont understand why I get attacked for stating that nazi views are wrong. I also dont live in a remote village but in a town not that far from london and have previously lived in london, I still stand by my views of muslims being scum and that immagration should be significantly capped. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,791 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 The national socialists had some very sound ideas on race, society and national identity, crime....the whole works. Where all of these right wing groups fall out of bed is that they have been working on a policy of "Exclusion". If they had a brain, they would realise that history teaches this just can not need to work on a policy of "inclusion" which says that no matter what your colour, religion, background.....if you want to join in and follow a set of rules that make for a better society then your welcome, if you dont, then you best leave. As I said, I would gladly swap some of the white trash chav scumbags I see walking about, stealing good folks oxygen, for a hard working muslim who lives his life respectfully and brings his family up the same way and contributes to society......its a no brainer IMHO. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ideation 8,216 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 I would personally not do it but i dont see it as a problem as i dont think that many different cultures marry, but why do people talk about it like the breeding of a dog, at the end of the day why should anyone else decide or criticise if the people are happy. These people giving nazi views are'nt chavs but a minority of brainwashed people who are obviously so badly educated that they think it is patriotic when in fact our famillies and our army/country were fighting a terrible war just years ago of which many english people would have been killed by nazi's, and if the nazi's did win the war you would not be supporting them but would probably have been executed by them or you wouldnt have been born due to your parents/grandparents being killed by them. (is it making sence yet) I would put these people with nazi views into the same bracket as islamic terrorists or probably even lower as even they are'nt fighting against their own people. Ive always found it interesting how folk who lean to the right and towards patriotism usually tend to debate the future..........while folk who lean towards the left and the whole multicultural nonsense tend to debate about the past !!!......What desperation to keep babbling on about Nazi,s, the war,Hitler etc etc..... What have Nazi,s got to do with anything Just because 2 people are happy doing something in their own eyes dont make it right and proper to do it in other peoples eyes !......we have the right of free speech in this country,shouldnt we air our views and opinions or must we keep quiet incase we offend somebody .... Not entirely true though is it - it could equally be reversed, plenty of right wing doctrine is rooted in 'the past'. The idea of a return to a racially pure idealised right wing home land for instance. Didn't work for the last couple of guys who tried it, and probably wont work for the next, although plenty will try and they will probably kill a lot of folk in the process. Yes - free speech is great, well to a point. I fully agree with freedom of ideas and discussion etc, your free to believe whatever you like, but we can all agree that acting however you like just isnt going to work. Speech is an action, and can have powerful consequences. Holding a strong view and discussing it with your friends or in certain situations is fine, but ramming it down peoples throats, or trying to stir up violence or fear by the use of free speech is a different matter. And i'm really surprised as working dog folk that your all banging on about color and not cross breeding. How come most of the folk on this forum think of themselves as white, but none are (a4 paper is white) and i bet most of them are many varying shades from pale as f**k to dark? so who cares, things are always changing and blending and evolving, thats life. And hey - rabbits are immigrants and without them life would be a bit dull, never mind the indian takeaway, middle eastern saluki, Turkish Kebab etc etc Fight the battles in life that matter and don't spend your time being a c**t to people who are just trying to get on with their lives, just to make up for losing some of those battles 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tb25 4,627 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 yes but what do we do to the rabbits....only joking i see your point but stand by my veiws Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,791 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 Yes - free speech is great, well to a point. Spoken like a true lefty ......A white Christian country should live by white Christian principals, same as a Muslim country should live by muslim principals etc Not too much to ask that those here and those intent on comming here live by those rules or is it? The left has done more to promote racism in this country than the likes of groups like the BNP etc ever could....they have passed laws that make it illegal for ordinary folk to give voice to opinions about race, sexuality, religion. The commission for racial equality have a vested interest in the continued promotion of racism. All this has alienated the ordinary citizen who maybe never gave race a thought, but after 13 years of left wing rhetoric feels like the piss is being took right out of him. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stitch 2 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 lenny f****n henry ! must be the most racist person allowed on the box ! i hate muslim extremists but he with his white quips is getting my vote for ship the f**k out ! cant stand the bloke and i have enough tie raps to rap alan f****n carr to the f****r ! curls my skin!!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ideation 8,216 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 Yes - free speech is great, well to a point. Spoken like a true lefty ......A white Christian country should live by white Christian principals, same as a Muslim country should live by muslim principals etc Not too much to ask that those here and those intent on comming here live by those rules or is it? The left has done more to promote racism in this country than the likes of groups like the BNP etc ever could....they have passed laws that make it illegal for ordinary folk to give voice to opinions about race, sexuality, religion. The commission for racial equality have a vested interest in the continued promotion of racism. All this has alienated the ordinary citizen who maybe never gave race a thought, but after 13 years of left wing rhetoric feels like the piss is being took right out of him. Its simple, speak freely, but no one likes a c**t whatever color they are, and they come in all colors. If i was in charge i'd have a one in one out policy, f**k color, decent folk in, twats out. How many white, christian dick heads do you know? I'm anyhow, i'm not a christian, and i wouldnt want to live by christian principles, as most on here wouldnt. I'm white. but that doesnt define much does it, its just a color, not a painted on ideological make up, i'm not left wing or right one, both sides contain mostly idiots, have some good ideas but mostly miss the mark. As for living by the laws / principles of the country - well its illegal to hunt fox/hare/deer but hey. . . . what do we do? And how many on here like cheeky spliff etc? Do what you do, think what you think, say what you want, but dont be a ranty, agressive, miserable c**t (left or right wing) who sets out to upset people. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,494 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 (edited) As I said, I would gladly swap some of the white trash chav scumbags I see walking about, stealing good folks oxygen, for a hard working muslim who lives his life respectfully and brings his family up the same way and contributes to society......its a no brainer IMHO. Ive noticed before Wilf you tend to go with the " replace our own shit with a good foreign substitute " kind of thing......but myself i dont buy it.......maybe i live in a dream world i dont know,but what ever happened to sorting out our own problems......yes theres plenty of English shitbags not living correctly....but to give up on them and simply replace them with people who dont even belong here is just selling ourselves out as a nation........ Im sure like everyone else you heard the previous generation telling us we should all do national service ....that will put us all in line bla bla bla........well f**k it id rather bring in some old school method like that than run to some third world country and scrape up their shit for our needs. If its a case of putting energy into getting tough on our own society and dragging them kicking and screaming into improving themself,by force if necessary.....then id rather we did that. Edited January 3, 2011 by gnasher16 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,494 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 (edited) Do what you do, think what you think, say what you want, but dont be a ranty, agressive, miserable c**t (left or right wing) who sets out to upset people. Thats the trouble though mate you cant be honest these days,your not allowed to think what you think or say what you want incase you upset or offend someone......not everyone thinks the same but unfortunately if you have your own reasons for not being welcoming to immigrants,or not wanting them have to keep quiet about it or folk like you start telling them their racist nazis.....or saying they are miserable c**ts because they are unhappy with the situation.....absolutely right some of us are miserable about it.....not aggressive anymore but certainly thats wrong ? If me and my pals come and kip down on your front room floor for the next 6 months and theres absolutely nothing you can do about it.....are you likely to be ranty,aggressive or miserable..............some things are human nature. Edited January 3, 2011 by gnasher16 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
just jack 998 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 that STUDENTS Quote Link to post Share on other sites
foxfan 479 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 This political correctness bollox (cultural marxism) has everyone so confused that they cant see common sense anymore, everyone is angry at their watching their country (and all the other western democracies) turn to shit but they dont know what to do, they vent their anger on the symptom (immigrants) and not the illness causing the symptom. We need to wake up to the fact that Britain is under attack from within, as P.O pointed out earlier we must blame those who allowed the mass immigration. But who do you vote for who isnt owned by the multi nationals ? Theyve done a cracking job of destroying the British, i bet even they cannot believe their own success. 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,791 Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 Ive noticed before Wilf you tend to go with the " replace our own shit with a good foreign substitute " kind of thing......but myself i dont buy it.......maybe i live in a dream world i dont know,but what ever happened to sorting out our own problems......yes theres plenty of English shitbags not living correctly....but to give up on them and simply replace them with people who dont even belong here is just selling ourselves out as a nation........ Im sure like everyone else you heard the previous generation telling us we should all do national service ....that will put us all in line bla bla bla........well f**k it id rather bring in some old school method like that than run to some third world country and scrape up their shit for our needs. If its a case of putting energy into getting tough on our own society and dragging them kicking and screaming into improving themself,by force if necessary.....then id rather we did that. Fair reply mate, I am not really suggesting replacing anyone if I am honest, just making the point that you cant point fingers until we can look in the mirror as a society. I am no rascist, I hate all sorts of people....and personally I wouldnt waste another penny on trying to improve any of those that plainly are not worth the effort. Theres a solution for them, but even the so called far right dont have the guts or the belief to utter its name. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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