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Heart skipped a beat..

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Hey guys, Just had to share my walk tonight.


Was out with Shawn my bedo x whippet getting on for nearly 6 months or so now and around 19 tts. Shawn is my first lurcher and quite dear to me at the moment, Am enjoying him very much indeed!


Anyway out on our usual foray tonight after eating way to much cold turkey and couple of tins, Shawn was in and out of the hedgerow like a maniac sniffing, Routing around and generally being a nob. All of a sudden a fox ran out from the hedgerow a few yards down and shawn gave chase up the field and through the hedge.


To say I shite me self was an understatement I scrambled to the nearest opening to find him casually sniffing around the field and a quick call had him heading back to me :notworthy:


The adrenalin pumped through fear and excitement and the short episode left me some what shaking.






P.s no idea what happened other side of the hedge, Guessing he just gave up on the chase thanks god.

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p.s no idea what happened other side of the hedge, Guessing he just gave up on the chase thanks god.


Probably got a close up of what it was dealing with and spewed.. Hope you gave him a rub down and a warm blanket after he's near miss.


Indeed, Sure he thought he was just after another dog, Turned out well for a random event. Dog did not seem to shook up just his usual self.


A learning curve with a sharp angle it seems. :wallbash:



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Hey guys, Just had to share my walk tonight.


Was out with Shawn my bedo x whippet getting on for nearly 6 months or so now and around 19 tts. Shawn is my first lurcher and quite dear to me at the moment, Am enjoying him very much indeed!


Anyway out on our usual foray tonight after eating way to much cold turkey and couple of tins, Shawn was in and out of the hedgerow like a maniac sniffing, Routing around and generally being a nob. All of a sudden a fox ran out from the hedgerow a few yards down and shawn gave chase up the field and through the hedge.


To say I shite me self was an understatement I scrambled to the nearest opening to find him casually sniffing around the field and a quick call had him heading back to me :notworthy:


The adrenalin pumped through fear and excitement and the short episode left me some what shaking.






P.s no idea what happened other side of the hedge, Guessing he just gave up on the chase thanks god.

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