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chirstmas day mooch

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what a load o piss then u woke up on ur computor


some feckin green eyed folk on her,whats wrong we the post,abit of romance fun or truth what ever the case youse folk need to lighten up.

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never done a days poaching in his life or every time he goes poaching gets his wife to keep a look out what a load of shite



i agree , the ground looks crap aswell ,i cant see whats so prime about it ,unless you just want to take photos



to me mate, prime land isnt what it looks like, its what lives on it!

to me mate it does not look like prime land ,perhaps im spoiled in where i live has most days i look out across to some fields from my house and can see a herd of about 50 sika ,theres also about 14 white ones there ,but the best fields are about a 10 min drive where you can sometimes see herds of about 200 ,plus everything else you want to run .

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some feckin green eyed folk on her,whats wrong we the post,abit of romance fun or truth what ever the case youse folk need to lighten up.

:icon_redface: look at his posts mate he hasnt got a nice word for anyone,its not green eyed its more like,, :thumbdown: but now i feel sorry for the young lad,,cos am just nice nd maybe ive got him wrong :laugh::laugh::laugh:



sorry micky. But i dont understand why i havent got a nice word. When did i bad mouth anybody.... pls dont feel sorry for me, lol.. I have made many friends on here . Just dont like arseholes who talk hunting or dogs and dont know what they are on about. i know you feel the same, as you think this of me, and thats fine. Thats your opinion, and thats fine. I am also 40yrs old, lol. wish i still was a young lad... Atb Russ.


P.s. if you find my posts offensive, pls dont click on them. And we will all be ok.

was looking at post not bye you nd you seem to talk down to folk ant got a prob with you just rudeness nd if i see some thing wrong i will say it with a smile on my face,if you are rigth i will tell you,40 isnt a young lad p.s you will not offend me hope you all are ok with that i stand alone,am 41 so dont cheek you olders :tongue2: i dont think your an arsehole i dont know you but by your own standards you are a bit harsh,with folk nd there is no need,Is that fair?

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never done a days poaching in his life or every time he goes poaching gets his wife to keep a look out what a load of shite



i agree , the ground looks crap aswell ,i cant see whats so prime about it ,unless you just want to take photos



to me mate, prime land isnt what it looks like, its what lives on it!

to me mate it does not look like prime land ,perhaps im spoiled in where i live has most days i look out across to some fields from my house and can see a herd of about 50 sika ,theres also about 14 white ones there ,but the best fields are about a 10 min drive where you can sometimes see herds of about 200 ,plus everything else you want to run .



well your one lucky man... Our dogs work hard for game...

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some feckin green eyed folk on her,whats wrong we the post,abit of romance fun or truth what ever the case youse folk need to lighten up.

:icon_redface: look at his posts mate he hasnt got a nice word for anyone,its not green eyed its more like,, :thumbdown: but now i feel sorry for the young lad,,cos am just nice nd maybe ive got him wrong :laugh::laugh::laugh:



sorry micky. But i dont understand why i havent got a nice word. When did i bad mouth anybody.... pls dont feel sorry for me, lol.. I have made many friends on here . Just dont like arseholes who talk hunting or dogs and dont know what they are on about. i know you feel the same, as you think this of me, and thats fine. Thats your opinion, and thats fine. I am also 40yrs old, lol. wish i still was a young lad... Atb Russ.


P.s. if you find my posts offensive, pls dont click on them. And we will all be ok.

was looking at post not bye you nd you seem to talk down to folk ant got a prob with you just rudeness nd if i see some thing wrong i will say it with a smile on my face,if you are rigth i will tell you,40 isnt a young lad p.s you will not offend me hope you all are ok with that i stand alone,am 41 so dont cheek you olders :tongue2: i dont think your an arsehole i dont know you but by your own standards you are a bit harsh,with folk nd there is no need,Is that fair?



like i said, you can think what you want of me mate. I can be an arsehole, sometimes i love it... its all fun. And never do i start to threaten folk, like some on here...


Been around to long to worry about what other people think of me mate... And beleive me, there are far worse on here than i.. And they dont know what they are talking about, they are just here purely for the argument... i DONT SAY theres anything wrong with a "debate" as long as both partys know what they are on about. And the majority on here dont.. Atb Micky and and happy hunting in the new year...


I mean, come on, to be asked why i hunted on some land on xmas day... you must see the ponitless question involved. I walk everywhere were there might be a bit of game... so to be asked that, its just down right idiotic...

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cheers lab... yeah, some gud stuff..from deer, to hares to fox... Watch them most mornings, and know there whereabouts on the hillside and their movements..


That looks similar to land round here, And before I saw you said you were from Lancashire? Do you live anywhere nr Pendle Hill by any chance mate?

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cheers lab... yeah, some gud stuff..from deer, to hares to fox... Watch them most mornings, and know there whereabouts on the hillside and their movements..


That looks similar to land round here, And before I saw you said you were from Lancashire? Do you live anywhere nr Pendle Hill by any chance mate?



No mate but i have hunted all over it and all the surrounding areas. Have a lot of permision around gisburn and clithereo..

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