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My Beddy x (but wtf with?)

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Theres a Beddy /Whip mate......make your own comparison...


Very nice dog, No, defo isnt as racy as that.


Im hoping to take her beating this weekend, do you think this would be ok? I dont intend to 'work' her, just to let her experiance, gun shots, dead things etc. I dont want to take her to young, but I dont see any harm in taking her now?


So what you think?

Edited by Hob&Jill
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Only you can decide if you think your dog is up to it HJ.........I like to get my dogs used to as much as possible from an early age......but you dont want the animal to have a bad experience........


Make sure the other beaters, guns ect are happy to have a pup at the shoot and I would keep it on a lead to.......or you may not get invited back again :D



Best of luck,


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