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info on starting pups

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get them out denning in april let them see a few digs give them a few dead foxes to rag and let them no thats there qaurry keep them away from rabbits if you can get akeeper with trapped qaurry let them get too grips if there bred [bANNED TEXT] theyll do the biz just take your time ,rats are good to let them feel pain and use there mouth but stoats etc are good and got a foxy smell ,give them as much chances before you start letting them go to do the job

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get them out denning in april let them see a few digs give them a few dead foxes to rag and let them no thats there qaurry keep them away from rabbits if you can get akeeper with trapped qaurry let them get too grips if there bred [bANNED TEXT] theyll do the biz just take your time ,rats are good to let them feel pain and use there mouth but stoats etc are good and got a foxy smell ,give them as much chances before you start letting them go to do the job



:notworthy: :notworthy: spot on ..................:thumbs:

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get an 9inch pipe off a building site


berry it but make sure you can get to both ends


put some freshly cooked turkey and gravey into one end and block it off


let the dog sniff around for a bit then show him the entance of the earth


he will fly down it


praise him when he comes out and keep repeating this every night


then put a rat in a cage into the one end if he goes mad and starts baying


youl be onto a winner


end of serman merry chritmas



I prefer useing a big mac and fries and a 12" pipe :laugh: Nah seriously though fella what your saying there to me is a sure fire way of encouraging a terrier to false mark and think every hole and pipe holds food or quarry, and i dont care what you say you do it enough times a terrier will do it out of curiousity or because it thinks its whats expected of it even with no scent

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hi all i am looking for some info on how to sart my 2 terrier pups off thay are nealy 4 month old now and i dont have a clue how to get them started i have been told many differant way but just dont no what to start them on so if any 1 can help me then many thanks

Read them books u got for Xmas they shuld give u a bit of info mate

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