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Xmas came early yesterday

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After applying for my FAC in November and having my interview cancelled due to the snow it wasn't looking good for me having my licence through for Xmas.

My interview was on the 8th of December and I got a phonecall just over a week ago from the firearms department telling me the land I had put down has never been assessed and in will take about 6 weeks to get someone from another force to inspect it. I phoned them back the day after to give them the name of another farmer in my county who has land passed upto a 243 to see if the application could be changed to his land, I was told that it should't be a problem but the licence probably wont be ready until mid January.

I got a phonecall yesterday to say the licence was ready to be picked up, I had been granted everything I applied for .22lr,.22air,.22hornet all with mods and expanding amo and all on an open ticket.

I picked my licence up yesterday morning and went out to treat myself to a new cz silhouette .22lr with a sak moderator and new sling. So last night I fitted a new 4x16x50AOE scope and sat there looking at it knowing I wont be able to get out until after boxing day to use it.

I will let you know how I get on zeroing the scope.

So I am now after a .22 hornet if anyone has one for sale and everything to reload my own for this calibre.


I would just like to say a big Thankyou to Cleveland police for the way they handled my application, after the cancelled interview due to the snow, the bad snow the day of the rearranged interview and the land in another county not being already past they still managed to sort everything out in 2 weeks from the day of the inerview.

From the day I sent my application off it only took just over a month for me to get my licence.


Just for the record, if anyone else is thinking of applying for there FAC like was for months before I did finally did, the whole prossess is not as scary and intimidating as you might think. It was my first application for a FAC and I have only had my shotgun licence about 8 months and I had no problem at all getting all 3 calibres I applied for.

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i would check the wording on your fac,not many give an open on a first,application,i know durham dont,ok,ian


Without writting it out on here word for word, it is worded not very clear so I phoned up yesterday morning to clarify it. I can basicaly shoot vermin or zero on anywhere I deem suitable. The land I origonaly put on my application has never been assassed but he wants to check it anyway just for a run out, he said if I deem it suitable in the meantime then I am ok to shoot on it until it gets past. I asked him if I have to get all of my permissions past and he said if I am shooting on them regular then it would be a good idea to get him to pass it just incase anyone reports someone with a gun on that land, but if its only on occassion and I deem it suitable then there is no need.

I did give him a referance for somebody I have been going out with for the last 6 months and he confirmed my gun safety ect.

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:thumbs: Yep no worries are we taking the ferts or just your new baby :gunsmilie:



We can take both, hopefully we might be able to find them sets near the wood thats always been too overgrown to see. We can stop off at my dads to zero the rifle in, I dont think there will be many rabbits out in the snow to shoot, but we should get some with the ferts.

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Good for you, mate. I'm still waiting for mine and I applied 5 months ago. My FLO is the type that needs to be pushed to get anything done, and is not clued up on the FAC process at all.


Can you not chase them up and see whats going on with it, its not fair its a post code lottery with the application, I cant fault cleveland police but I may have just been lucky and they wanted everything tied up for christmas.

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