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Spring air rifle shooting.

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hi simon another good post on springers as you no iv not shot my tx200 much since getting my pcp but my last outing with it i had one shot and got one kill just go,s to show iv still got it and it still puts a smile on my face when i use it and a bigger buzz when you hit some thing with a springer , iv said it before and ill say it again you are one of the best spring rifle men i no if not the best and that only say,s one thing to me and from alot of the lads on here RESPECT ATVBmac

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Ladies and Gentlemen.   This is a case for the oldest, noblest and, in my humble opinion, the finest sporting air rifle type of all. The spring-piston powered air rifle. Yes, PCPs are accurate; som

Great post!!   I've been shooting for a couple of years now, completely self taught, and its great to hear advice like this! Its all very basic but absolutely spot on. With out the basics your skill

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  On 24/10/2012 at 05:27, zini said:
  On 23/10/2012 at 23:14, HW 96.5 said:

First of all thank's Simon for a great initial post. An inspiration to springer fans of all skill levels. If you fill a book with stuff as well written and as passionate. I for one would want a copy.


Secondly it is very interesting Tony would choose a tuned 98 as the best springer on the planet. Some time ago I spoke to Sol and during the conversation about HW95's I suggested selling mine to go for a 97 the answer was the 95 in Sol's opinion is just as accurate.


Most of you have seen my 95 in the 98 stock and I have tried various weights in the silencer to achieve the balance of the shrouded 98.A las I have never shot a 98 so cannot compare directly.

One thing I do know is the 98 stock feels very old school at first and the stippling is very rough to the touch, I think these combined features and maybe the asthetics have put a lot of prospective buyers off. Once the stock is ajusted you soon get used to the feel as normal. I am re-learning springer shooting again and even I have posted 3 contacting pellet holes at 50 yards shame the other two in the group expand the group to just over an inch. The gun is certainly different and I like that a lot. Maybe I will make a shroud and compare groups.


Thanks Si for those pics. of a stunning springer.


Interested to see how this thread pans out.




Hi mate,


Yeah Ive spoke to Soi a few times too. I suppose every one as their own opinions and one man's rubbish is another man's treasure as they say.


Dont forget that I asked Tony about the best springer for comp shooting i.e FT or HFT and the HW98 was his answer, for hunting it was a SFS Banshee (original HW95).


I think the HW95 is the rifle that Tony can do and get the best results from as I know he rates them very highly as do I after owning 2 or 3 of them in the past.


I'm at SFS in a week or so again mate filming and reviewing a new product called Microlon with Tony and the MD of Microlon Europe Mr Stuart Crane. Ill try and let you know the exact date pal and maybe we can meet up for a chat in the shop.




Thanks fot the offer Si. It's a same but I live too far away to take you up on that one. Maybe another time I will be nearer for work.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Mac and to everyone for such kind compliments. Really appreciate them.

Edited to add. Over 11,300 views of this thread. That's encouraging for a writing project!!


Simon the Pianoman

Edited by pianoman
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  • 2 months later...

Excellent write up! I compleatly agree with you... PCP you dont get a feel for the shot or kill, but with a spring rifle you can almost feel the quarry go down. Its the feeling that hones your marksmanship skills and make the shoot worth while, whether it is at a target or live quarry.





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It is a pain having to keep searching for it though whenever anybody writes one of those "I can't shoot my springer threads!" I always do a link to this thread as it is the cleanest, most concise and above all accurate piece of writing I have read on the art of rifle shooting! It used to be pinned, I want it pinned again!

Edited by secretagentmole
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What a piece of work Simon.You seem to have gathered a good group of constructive replies here.As an old man returning to air gunning after 40 odd years and the old Diana i must say the PCP are a bit bling for me and i got back in the game with a bargain BSA Meteor from a friend.

love it and can now after only a few weeks smash a polo (The sweet not the car) at 25yds every shot.

now looking at getting on to a bit of land to extend my range 7 maybe a woodie or two for the pot.

Once again thanks for your piece it was inspirational.

All the best B4rnze

Edited by Barnze
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Stuart. Barnze.


Thank you kindly gentlemen. There is still, a widely held misconception that PCPs are more accurate than spring rifles and this is really not true. PCPs are the easier of the two actions to achieve very accurate shooting but, thanks to their recoiless and vibration-free firing, they have virtually reduced the shooter to almost a supportive aim-and-fire functionary, with all his/her basic errors and mistakes in hold technique largely removed from the process. Thus, they will make more of a skilled operator than an honestly skilful marksman out of the shooter.


The spring rifle is an art that has to be mastered to shoot well with one, and if you learn its ways and how to hold one and manage the recoil, you will have a rifle that can match anything for shooting accuracy. And give you a fantastic feeling of satisfaction from your successful shooting with one.


They are not perfect, but they do involve you, the shooter, absolutely and totally in their effective accuracy. :yes:


As such, they are the most enjoyable rifles of all in my view. And they can look absolutely beautiful.


All the very best with your shooting :thumbs: .


Edited by pianoman
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  • 2 months later...
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