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Hi peeps this might sound like a stupid question but will ask anyway. I am getting two jills next year when they are born. I was speaking to somebody at work and they said that i would need a male aswell, as when they come into season and nothing happens then this can cause them to die as their hormones will be all over and can cause them to get leukemia?


Is this correct as i wouldnt want any harm to come to them? If this is the case what can i do as i dont want to breed?

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  On 23/12/2010 at 23:08, CraigGreg89 said:

Hi peeps this might sound like a stupid question but will ask anyway. I am getting two jills next year when they are born. I was speaking to somebody at work and they said that i would need a male aswell, as when they come into season and nothing happens then this can cause them to die as their hormones will be all over and can cause them to get leukemia?


Is this correct as i wouldnt want any harm to come to them? If this is the case what can i do as i dont want to breed?

im in the same situation, ive got last years kits, im thinking of getting an injection from vets, but you can get them spayed or a vasectomized hob

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  On 23/12/2010 at 23:34, CraigGreg89 said:

yea i just dont want them to suffer but at the same time dont want to breed as i dont need loads and wouldnt want to be stuck with them as i wouldnt have any use for them.


Anybody know how much it would cost to get the hob done?

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got a hob done about 7 years ago it cost 40 pounds. but if you definitly dont want to breed just get them spayed.it is a big decision because if you are working them. you could change your mind if they turn out 1st class workers. then you might wish you could breed from them with a good hob. if it was me i would get them jabbed then make a choice after a few seasons.only my opinion take in what other members suggest.

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a jill jab is a hormone injection which a vet will give to your ferrets.sometimes you may need to get this done twice in a season as i have had ferrets come back into season later in the year after having the first jab. it has only happened twice in the last 10 years, usually after the first jab they have been ok for the season.what i mean by season is the breeding season. usally starts roughly march-april.the best advice i can give you about the jill jab is to talk to a vet.

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get a hob and get him done mate cheaper in the long run, my jills came into season early last year so covered them with a vasectomised hob i've got which knocked them off but with the weather and long warm summer we had they came back into season later in the year so needed his services twice. you could also use him then to cover other mates jills for a small fee ! :boogie: money back in no time lol :victory:

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yea am tempted to get a hob and just get it done. Only thing is i dont want to loose him and then al be back to square one but i guess that is a risk i will have to take lol. They will be fine to keep together all year round i am thinking?


Cheers people for your help it has cleared this up for me and i think i may go to the vets and find out what things will cost me.


Ohh one last thing if i do get the hobb done, it doesnt change their behavouir does it like make them more aggressive ect?

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