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Still looking For a new gun

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Can't fault Shay's suggested rifles Sexy (!) I own a TX200 .22 rifle and TX200HC carbine in .177 and both are superbly smooth and accurate. I would add the Weihrauch HW80 and HW77 to the list for your consideration. So good they are addictive! :thumbs:





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  On 23/12/2010 at 22:06, Sexy_Shot said:

been looking at the crosman benjamin discovery pcp http://www.crosman.com/airguns/rifles/pcp/BP9M22GSL


What do you think?


Is there any other in my price range 250? I'd rather buy new, unless i can get a decent setup for second hand







Hi Trev..........if you find a good place for a used gun, be obliged if you'd let me know, I'm same as you but looking for a Webley Lonbow. I hace a Gamo Hunter it;s real nice to handle, performance is up and down so need to upgrade for rabbiting. Gd Luck Warren

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  On 25/12/2010 at 14:15, richo666 said:

try airgunbbs.com

brilliant site for second hand guns, you need to sign up to it first though, and send a few posts be for you can see the for sale forums on it think its about 5 or so, hope this is of some help to you all.

wouldnt use this site mate unless you want to waiste your fuel on nackered guns :thumbdown: , plenty for sale but full of dealers and gun peddlers broken crap,..... crap going around in circles, and all bodged up guns and the mods are terrible,slightest thing or upset to them and they ban you for life with out reason,its up to you but be aware, try airgunforum.co.uk a better class of guns on there and mods are of descent quality people who will help you out,if needed :thumbs:

Edited by psm
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  On 26/12/2010 at 14:13, psm said:
  On 25/12/2010 at 14:15, richo666 said:

try airgunbbs.com

brilliant site for second hand guns, you need to sign up to it first though, and send a few posts be for you can see the for sale forums on it think its about 5 or so, hope this is of some help to you all.

wouldnt use this site mate unless you want to waiste your fuel on nackered guns :thumbdown: , plenty for sale but full of dealers and gun peddlers broken crap,..... crap going around in circles, and all bodged up guns and the mods are terrible,slightest thing or upset to them and they ban you for life with out reason,its up to you but be aware, try airgunforum.co.uk a better class of guns on there and mods are of descent quality people who will help you out,if needed :thumbs:

not being funny just off experiance i used to be a member and because i bumped my post up 3 times as it was 5 pages back they banned me, and i waisted more fuel on this site looking at guns which were advertised as mint and werent ,and one gun a air arms s200 which i travelled 30 miles to wouldnt even penetrate a bean can at 30 yards,this was supposed to have accounted for many rabbit kills at over the mentioned distance, i could go on and on ,but the time and effort siving through the crap on airgunbbs you would have wished you had bought new :laugh::laugh:
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