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badgers and foxs

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Quite a few local here. Foxes you can smell around warrens i mean they are pretty rank smelling and also you're likely to find bones outside the entrance. Badgers often have "spoil" outside their holes which is digging and old bedding. Also you're likely to find middens/latrines close to a badger sett.

If you're still seriously in doubt find someone to show you what is what before you put your ferrets to ground

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The tell tale sign is a badger in a purse net :laugh: If you want to stay on the right side of the law, then stay clear of badger sets, its illegal to interfere with a set in any way, and thats if you can even get your ferrets to enter a badger set :thumbs:

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Quite right there.to be fair you should make the effort to know were any brock sets are on your perrmision and stay well away from them.one thing loosing a ferret to them quite another getting caught "interfereing" with a badger set mate regardless of wether you intentions are good or not.Ignorance will be no form of defence in these circumstances and they would through the book at you fella.

So if your not sure and you see large spills with bedding on them stay well away.


Foxs can be a different story though mate as many will pull out rabbit places this time of year and squeeze in to them deeply even whilst the rabbits are home but to be honest although I've seen a few foxs leave warrens whilst ferreting I've only ever known foxs to turn and kill ferrets in these places later on when its a vixen with cubs.


Just a case realy of seeing,learning and usualy trusting your instincts. If it feels wrong the it quite probably is so leave it alone.


Better safe than sorry.


Just my opinion though.




Edited by fensaluki
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