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hand made catty

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i love the way SOME PEOPLE on this site have a dig at other people, theres no need for it, at the end of the day were all on the same side.

well if that was true .. you wouldnt be trying to rip someone off £14 for a bit of wood!!


think on !!

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this is a home made catty and i would not have the balls to charge people £14 if i were to sell it (witch i wouldnt) and it took me 4 days to burn the patten into it with a magnifying glass.






and as for been on the same side im not on the same side as you clue less scamming twat :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

Edited by hullhunter
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still for sale


aint being funny mate but my 5 year old lad could do better than that wtf that look like laugh.giflaugh.gif

i didnt make it mate, found it when rummaging around the shed



Take no notice of the other replies , i will give you 14 quid for it if it includes the shed

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