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all joking aside that will probably be the next step, because now people are being made to prove that they shot there quarry, should'nt it be the other way round (prove they were'nt shot).


so if this is the rule from now on with foxes, deer, hares etc why not ask people who have been out and killed a rabbit to prove it was killed within the law on permission ? whats the difference ? :hmm:

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Do the police in general really care about poachers i dont think they do well not where i am anyways i know theres community wildlife officers out there that are having campaigns in various areas but the bobbys where i am are no bother i bet half of em dont even know the difference between a rabbit and a hare i got pulled a few weeks ago by a sargeant and four others and they laughed when i was talking about the new laws ive been pulled all my adult life coming back early doors and as soon as they see youve been lamping they are not interested neither should they be as theres a lot more going on out at night and i think theyve got enough on without trying to prove your guilty of taking a few rabbits got to agree with putting anything on the web though photo wise as its a permanent record at the end of the day

Edited by juckler123
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some police do bother about a few chosen suspects ,ie salmon veni bird trappers ,but only if they get called out , ive been stopped numerous times and never had game on me with the dogs there etc , had bailiffes chase us up and down feilds road blocks etc smashed through one one night we were on permiss and private land , thye were in the wrong , thye didnt have aleg to stand on , or two front doors, the worst police ar the ones that buy into ashoot anfd think thye own the whole country side all the best

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