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blans eutopia is a lawless everyman for themsels. a cache of guns and no authority whatsover. no matter we would be living like dogs and no infrastructure to speak of. might come as a shock to you mate,but it would be a shit state of affairs.


is it?


'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy


my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have no moral compass) and eventually lead to some sort of socialist world government.


or we can relax and remove laws as they become unnecessary and let society slowly rule itself,that probably wouldn't imo lead to anarchy as some think,but a limited government who only get involved when they absolutely have to.

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Dont do the crime if you can't do the time, especially in countries that will dicipline you like the asian ones  

yea weak minded people.cant believe some of the comments on here. you lot must be pillars of your communities. the thing is your own kids have prob bought and smoked a bit weed and in some cases punte

start a thread on smack or coke and i would have a diffrent view however the topic was weed. a few hypocrites on here. in the past have posted topics on getting out thier tits on charlie then in the n

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Serving your country?


even if you actually believe that (from someone who's 'served') both paths were chosen by the individual.


Can you not see how one is of some use and is doing good for their country, and the other is just a burden to those that love him and society (in most cases).

no I can't see how either is doing any good for anyone atm (google' terrorists motives blowback') ,but I can see how you could.


no government intervention is necessary to help smackheads,if they commit a crime send them down with no methadone,if not let them rely on charity.

why should we have to pay for them?

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whos gonna keep the schools open ,power on hospitals in your ideal anarchy world. no drs dentists no drugs to keep people alive. dont say the people cause they would all be living under seige from the whack jobs and psychos who walk the streets. no universities as they have all been burnt to the ground by arsonists. you only need to look at the riots in summer to see where we would end up in your way.

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blans eutopia is a lawless everyman for themsels. a cache of guns and no authority whatsover. no matter we would be living like dogs and no infrastructure to speak of. might come as a shock to you mate,but it would be a shit state of affairs.


is it?


'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy


my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have no moral compass) and eventually lead to some sort of socialist world government.


or we can relax and remove laws as they become unnecessary and let society slowly rule itself,that probably wouldn't imo lead to anarchy as some think,but a limited government who only get involved when they absolutely have to.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Slowly rule itself! :rofl:


I agree there's ridiculous laws in place in this country and there is some things that aren't as fair as they should be, but you're completely off your head mate.


Let's get shut of all law and just let people do as they please! Yeah, Never mind the bloodshed and destruction it'd take for us to slowly find a balance. If things went really well, we could be just like Somalia :toast: .

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whos gonna keep the schools open ,power on hospitals in your ideal anarchy world. no drs dentists no drugs to keep people alive. dont say the people cause they would all be living under seige from the whack jobs and psychos who walk the streets. no universities as they have all been burnt to the ground by arsonists. you only need to look at the riots in summer to see where we would end up in your way.


did you read that post i put up scot?


limit the government as much as possible (that may or may not mean anarchy) and do it gradually,it won't come through revolution/force.


the government is by it's very nature inefficeint,we pay for that innefficiency as well as whatever is taken off the top by paying for shit like public schooling,the nhs etc.


they could be run far cheaper and better privately,more so if the government was unable to take its pound of flesh (tax) .

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blans eutopia is a lawless everyman for themsels. a cache of guns and no authority whatsover. no matter we would be living like dogs and no infrastructure to speak of. might come as a shock to you mate,but it would be a shit state of affairs.


is it?


'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy


my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have no moral compass) and eventually lead to some sort of socialist world government.


or we can relax and remove laws as they become unnecessary and let society slowly rule itself,that probably wouldn't imo lead to anarchy as some think,but a limited government who only get involved when they absolutely have to.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Slowly rule itself! :rofl:


I agree there's ridiculous laws in place in this country and there is some things that aren't as fair as they should be, but you're completely off your head mate.


Let's get shut of all law and just let people do as they please! Yeah, Never mind the bloodshed and destruction it'd take for us to slowly find a balance. If things went really well, we could be just like Somalia :toast: .


did Somalia slowly have the unnecessary laws removed gradually?


do you know their history?


if you read that post you certainly didn't understand it.

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yea i read it. nhs is shit you say? ok chez enlighten me how you would make it more efficient. where in this world of yours does the cash and educated people come from to run these establisments come from. what you gonna do to control the millions of nutters out there.

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blans eutopia is a lawless everyman for themsels. a cache of guns and no authority whatsover. no matter we would be living like dogs and no infrastructure to speak of. might come as a shock to you mate,but it would be a shit state of affairs.


is it?


'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy


my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have no moral compass) and eventually lead to some sort of socialist world government.


or we can relax and remove laws as they become unnecessary and let society slowly rule itself,that probably wouldn't imo lead to anarchy as some think,but a limited government who only get involved when they absolutely have to.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Slowly rule itself! :rofl:


I agree there's ridiculous laws in place in this country and there is some things that aren't as fair as they should be, but you're completely off your head mate.


Let's get shut of all law and just let people do as they please! Yeah, Never mind the bloodshed and destruction it'd take for us to slowly find a balance. If things went really well, we could be just like Somalia :toast:  .


did Somalia slowly have the unnecessary laws removed gradually?


do you know their history?


if you read that post you certainly didn't understand it.


a philliedelphia lawyer would be hard pushed to understand that. sorry mate but its unworkable.nice pipe dream though.

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yea i read it. nhs is shit you say? ok chez enlighten me how you would make it more efficient. where in this world of yours does the cash and educated people come from to run these establisments come from. what you gonna do to control the millions of nutters out there.


you mean che?



your a funny lad scot,though his political opinions would be closer to yours than mine :thumbs:


where do the educated people disappear to?

we'd have better and cheaper private schools,best of all only the people who used them would need to pay.


they'd be more efficient because the free market demands they be so.


as for the millions of nutters thing,well if it got the point we needed no government,we'd (society) be able to look after ourselves.


though like i said that's a maybe in the distant future,for now a limited government is the way to go imo.


I know you dislike Americans,but take a look at some Ron Paul debates/conferences on youtube if you want to understand better what i mean.

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blans eutopia is a lawless everyman for themsels. a cache of guns and no authority whatsover. no matter we would be living like dogs and no infrastructure to speak of. might come as a shock to you mate,but it would be a shit state of affairs.


is it?


'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy


my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have no moral compass) and eventually lead to some sort of socialist world government.


or we can relax and remove laws as they become unnecessary and let society slowly rule itself,that probably wouldn't imo lead to anarchy as some think,but a limited government who only get involved when they absolutely have to.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Slowly rule itself! :rofl:


I agree there's ridiculous laws in place in this country and there is some things that aren't as fair as they should be, but you're completely off your head mate.


Let's get shut of all law and just let people do as they please! Yeah, Never mind the bloodshed and destruction it'd take for us to slowly find a balance. If things went really well, we could be just like Somalia :toast: .


did Somalia slowly have the unnecessary laws removed gradually?


do you know their history?


if you read that post you certainly didn't understand it.


I don't have an in depth knowledge of Somalia's history, but I do know that they were once a British and either French or an Italian colony, and that the country once had structure and had an infrastructure until civil war kicked off and laws have since been passed by a group of old men sat under a tree, or something to that effect.


As I've already said I agree that we do have too many laws in this country, and there is some things that I think are completely unfair, but for the most part I think you're talking out your hole a bit here though mate. I think your idea's are just too simple to be feasible.

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blans eutopia is a lawless everyman for themsels. a cache of guns and no authority whatsover. no matter we would be living like dogs and no infrastructure to speak of. might come as a shock to you mate,but it would be a shit state of affairs.


is it?


'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy


my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have no moral compass) and eventually lead to some sort of socialist world government.


or we can relax and remove laws as they become unnecessary and let society slowly rule itself,that probably wouldn't imo lead to anarchy as some think,but a limited government who only get involved when they absolutely have to.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Slowly rule itself! :rofl:


I agree there's ridiculous laws in place in this country and there is some things that aren't as fair as they should be, but you're completely off your head mate.


Let's get shut of all law and just let people do as they please! Yeah, Never mind the bloodshed and destruction it'd take for us to slowly find a balance. If things went really well, we could be just like Somalia :toast: .


did Somalia slowly have the unnecessary laws removed gradually?


do you know their history?


if you read that post you certainly didn't understand it.


I don't have an in depth knowledge of Somalia's history, but I do know that they were once a British and either French or an Italian colony, and that the country once had structure and had an infrastructure until civil war kicked off and laws have since been passed by a group of old men sat under a tree, or something to that effect.


As I've already said I agree that we do have too many laws in this country, and there is some things that I think are completely unfair, but for the most part I think you're talking out your hole a bit here though mate. I think your idea's are just too simple to be feasible.

fair enough mate,like i said to scot look at some Ron Paul vids on jewtube if you want to hear some other benefits of a limited government.


i'm off out with the dogs now,i'll post some on here later.

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What difference does it make to your life what someone else chooses to ingest?


hard or soft,no-one forces anyone to take drugs.

so why should you the state or anyone else get involved in someone elses business?

Thats true..........they can do what they like, especially as we are talking about a bit weed here. Problem i have is with the smackheads...there was an article in the paper the other day about a young girl who had a £400 a day habit....wonder how she funded that then?.... :icon_eek:




same with drugs,only the user suffers because of they're stupidity.


That's like saying if you got murdered, it wouldn't matter because it would only be you that got stabbed / shot / battered to death etc...


Do you not think the people that care about the drug abuser don't suffer? How about the users parents, partner or children? Don't you think they suffer?


no it's not,if i choose to risk my life with no increased risk to anyone else,it should be my choice.


there's plenty of legal ways for me to do it.


the only sensible argument i can see is social responsibility (ambulance and nhs costs) but I think we can safely say socialism doesn't work.


Argument for what mate? I just thought I'd point out that it isn't just the users that suffer when someone abuses drugs in a lot of cases.


If you killed yourself through abusing drugs what do you think your loved ones would think? "Oh he went doing what he loved best" :rofl:

argument for the state poking it's nose into every aspect of your life,and taking your control of it away from you.


if someone died of an OD I'd be willing to bet they're family would be no more upset than the family of someone who died rock climbing,bass jumping,or at war.


OK pal I think we've gone as far as we can with this discussion (sensibly) as we can go.


But I can't see how you can equate dying for Queen and Country and serving your country, to being a selfish junky who's overdosed and died.


Some drugs on our streets comes from opium plants...... A large proportion is grown in

Afghanistan by farmers who pay a tax to local villiage elder who in turn pays a tax to a small time gangster who pays up to a low profile member of a terrorist organisation who pays up to a high ranking member...... And it goes on.


So essentially the smack head or junkie who takes what's not his is theiving of others to buy the drugs which through a long sequence of events is paying for the terrorists equipment to use against our soldiers.


IMO, a soldier killed or seriously injured in battle holds far more worth than a junkie robbing our

Streets. Infect, I would say there was no


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