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3 best pals,gary,steve and nick, gary drinks like a fish, steve smokes pot like its going out of fashion and nick does neither, one night they all go to a friends house warming party,at the party there was a girl and a few friends in one of the rooms,they were injecting heroin,they asked the 3 lads to have a try and after a while they all thought feck it, and they all tryed it and turned into full blown addicts, now, whats to blame :hmm: alcohol, weed or nothing :hmm:

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Dont do the crime if you can't do the time, especially in countries that will dicipline you like the asian ones  

yea weak minded people.cant believe some of the comments on here. you lot must be pillars of your communities. the thing is your own kids have prob bought and smoked a bit weed and in some cases punte

start a thread on smack or coke and i would have a diffrent view however the topic was weed. a few hypocrites on here. in the past have posted topics on getting out thier tits on charlie then in the n

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3 best pals,gary,steve and nick, gary drinks like a fish, steve smokes pot like its going out of fashion and nick does neither, one night they all go to a friends house warming party,at the party there was a girl and a few friends in one of the rooms,they were injecting heroin,they asked the 3 lads to have a try and after a while they all thought feck it, and they all tryed it and turned into full blown addicts, now, whats to blame :hmm: alcohol, weed or nothing :hmm:


The Billy Burtons of this world, thats who to blame. :yes:

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some people have been listening to frank for too long,taking cannabis as feck all to with wanting to try smack :blink: its the person not the weed,if you wanna try smack then its up to you,its fecking ludicrous an uneducated to suggest that one particular drug leads to other things :blink: how many people who only drink alcohol,try smack,shitloads,how many people try smack having never taken cannabis,shitloads :yes: if you smoke pot an fancy trying smack,then dont blame the ganj,blame yourself,ya fecking loser :thumbs: and ffs,please stop listening to frank,he hasn't a fecking clue :laugh::thumbs:


Totally agree......if people took responsibility for their own actions and their own decision making instead of always blaming others for decisions they themself make life would be far more simple..........i used to fight at football but f**k going to war in Afghanistan thats not for me.....................one doesnt lead to the other,we make choices,simple............................and who,s Frank :blink:

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What difference does it make to your life what someone else chooses to ingest?


hard or soft,no-one forces anyone to take drugs.

so why should you the state or anyone else get involved in someone elses business?

Thats true..........they can do what they like, especially as we are talking about a bit weed here. Problem i have is with the smackheads...there was an article in the paper the other day about a young girl who had a £400 a day habit....wonder how she funded that then?.... :icon_eek:

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You ask most addicts most started on cannabis its the gateway to harder drugs, (however not everyone goes onto harder drugs to be honest but alot do)


yea weak minded people.cant believe some of the comments on here. you lot must be pillars of your communities. the thing is your own kids have prob bought and smoked a bit weed and in some cases punted a bit on to thier mates so they get ghiers for cheap. shold you disown them or better still take them out the back and shoot themlol well one thing i have taken out of this thread is i wouldnt trust some of you on here.

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I take it most people on here have never seen first hand what hard drugs do to families, if they did i'm sure they would change their tune.

were not talking about hard drugs are we,and with a site as big as this ,i think you will find a lot of people will have a lot of first hand knowledge
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I take it most people on here have never seen first hand what hard drugs do to families, if they did i'm sure they would change their tune.

were not talking about hard drugs are we,and with a site as big as this ,i think you will find a lot of people will have a lot of first hand knowledge


i think if you look through the thread hard drugs have been mentioned so yes we are talking about hard drugs.

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You ask most addicts most started on cannabis its the gateway to harder drugs, (however not everyone goes onto harder drugs to be honest but alot do)


yea weak minded people.cant believe some of the comments on here. you lot must be pillars of your communities. the thing is your own kids have prob bought and smoked a bit weed and in some cases punted a bit on to thier mates so they get ghiers for cheap. shold you disown them or better still take them out the back and shoot themlol well one thing i have taken out of this thread is i wouldnt trust some of you on here.


Hammer-nail-head :yes:

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start a thread on smack or coke and i would have a diffrent view however the topic was weed. a few hypocrites on here. in the past have posted topics on getting out thier tits on charlie then in the next breath take a moral stance on weed and calling for dealers to be shot.how ironic lol

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start a thread on smack or coke and i would have a diffrent view however the topic was weed. a few hypocrites on here. in the past have posted topics on getting out thier tits on charlie then in the next breath take a moral stance on weed and calling for dealers to be shot.how ironic lol


I've only said people who sell crack\smack should be shot, where did i say it about cannabis? I did say cannabis can be a gateway to harder drugs in some cases but never suggested people who sell cannabis should be shot!!!!!

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