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Free Billy Burton

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Agree with the above.


Live by the sword die by the sword.


He was a big boy when he decided to do it so feck him.




what a fking idiot live by the sword , people make mistakes the justice system is f****d 18 years already for a bit dope


i know you wouldnt be saying that if it was a relative to you :yes:




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Dont do the crime if you can't do the time, especially in countries that will dicipline you like the asian ones  

yea weak minded people.cant believe some of the comments on here. you lot must be pillars of your communities. the thing is your own kids have prob bought and smoked a bit weed and in some cases punte

start a thread on smack or coke and i would have a diffrent view however the topic was weed. a few hypocrites on here. in the past have posted topics on getting out thier tits on charlie then in the n

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Agree with the above.


Live by the sword die by the sword.


He was a big boy when he decided to do it so feck him.




what a fking idiot live by the sword , people make mistakes the justice system is f****d 18 years already for a bit dope


i know you wouldnt be saying that if it was a relative to you :yes:






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Agree with the above.


Live by the sword die by the sword.


He was a big boy when he decided to do it so feck him.




what a fking idiot live by the sword , people make mistakes the justice system is f****d 18 years already for a bit dope


i know you wouldnt be saying that if it was a relative to you :yes:







why is he a moron?just cause he does not happen to agree with you!

he does have a point,anyone messing around smuggling drugs in those far away lands,know that if thier caught it will not be a a very pleasant expierence.and they dont have any set rules to sentencing.

like i said i feel for the guy,and i hope he is released,but he had a good idea what could happen to him if he was caught smuggling drugs.

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But is it a drug Scot?He was carrying dried female flower tops from A-B crossing international borders,if it were dried rose's he would have been fine,instead it was dried Sativa(the only type of grass that grows in the philippines),sativa or or should I say one of its derivatives SATIVEX has been licenced by several governments including the UK and Canada for medicinal use,f**k sakes SATIVEX manufacturers GW Pharma have massive grow rooms in the UK,enough to give cheech&Chong a lifetime of wet dreams,all fully licenced by the british government,its all about money,thats it,and making an example of Joe Bloggs because he is low down in the pecking order,Tobacco is a drug,brings in massive revenue for governments so its deemed acceptable to sell it,yet the same hypocrits who tax that with the stroke of a pen make cannabis illegal?I used to wander around markets in Cambodia and see kilos on sale,openly sold for cooking,anyone who has been to Phnom Penh will know of happy-pizza shops,go in,order an "Extra-happy" topping and your fast-food meal is loaded with grass,its lax laws in places like that if your local,you only feel the full weight of their laws if your a foreigner and you screw-up,but I do really wonder how many who have contributed self-rightiously to this thread had a drink or two to relax last night after a hard week at work?

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But is it a drug Scot?He was carrying dried female flower tops from A-B crossing international borders,if it were dried rose's he would have been fine,instead it was dried Sativa(the only type of grass that grows in the philippines),sativa or or should I say one of its derivatives SATIVEX has been licenced by several governments including the UK and Canada for medicinal use,f**k sakes SATIVEX manufacturers GW Pharma have massive grow rooms in the UK,enough to give cheech&Chong a lifetime of wet dreams,all fully licenced by the british government,its all about money,thats it,and making an example of Joe Bloggs because he is low down in the pecking order,Tobacco is a drug,brings in massive revenue for governments so its deemed acceptable to sell it,yet the same hypocrits who tax that with the stroke of a pen make cannabis illegal?I used to wander around markets in Cambodia and see kilos on sale,openly sold for cooking,anyone who has been to Phnom Penh will know of happy-pizza shops,go in,order an "Extra-happy" topping and your fast-food meal is loaded with grass,its lax laws in places like that if your local,you only feel the full weight of their laws if your a foreigner and you screw-up,but I do really wonder how many who have contributed self-rightiously to this thread had a drink or two to relax last night after a hard week at work?


oh you are preaching to the choir mate.id legalise canabis tomorrow if i had the power.i see no harm in it whatsoever.and all those people saying it leads to harder drugs,utter shite.only people who get involved in hard drugs are weak minded people.my point was mankem whether we like it or not.its illegal in most countrys and yes i in the past have stuck a cpl of oz in my timbi boots when i have went on holiday or worked down south,i knew the risks i was taking and i weighed it up and thought worse case scenario i get a hefty fine and a ruined holiday.would i do the same in those back wards nations like asia and such like,not a snowballs chance in hell i would.i think its a disgrace that people are in jail through cannabis,but its the law and we got to deal with that accordingly.

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Agree with the above.


Live by the sword die by the sword.


He was a big boy when he decided to do it so feck him.




what a fking idiot live by the sword , people make mistakes the justice system is f****d 18 years already for a bit dope


i know you wouldnt be saying that if it was a relative to you :yes:







why is he a moron?just cause he does not happen to agree with you!

he does have a point,anyone messing around smuggling drugs in those far away lands,know that if thier caught it will not be a a very pleasant expierence.and they dont have any set rules to sentencing.

like i said i feel for the guy,and i hope he is released,but he had a good idea what could happen to him if he was caught smuggling drugs.


its a stupid sentence whether you know or not , people make mistakes and it doesnt take half yor life banged up to realise it .

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I haven't read all 10 pages, but most of you need a reality check it seems. He wasn't selling smack at a primary school, he carried a little bit of weed over a border. There is no justification to ban weed anyway, but as it stands a few Oz hardly makes him a major player and imo doesn't deserve time.

On the other hand, he knew the laws of the land and the risk he was taking so he deserves his original sentence like anyone else. But I feel very strongly you should be sent back to your native countries prison. It would stop travelling English being f****d over and we could empty 90% of our prisons tomorrow and save billions feeding immigrant crim scum.

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If he got 8 years then they change the law and he gets longer because of this new law then i think its worng tbh!

like malt said if they banned tabs and drinking would every one just give up??? LIKE f**k would we just coz some twat in london says so!


I think drugs should be made legal, the gov could make them alot safer, saving alot of money for the NHS, they could put tax on them,

then they could save a lot of money on customs and the police and the courts, it would save alot of old grannys getting robbed on the street, crime rates would go down, Now yes your still gonna get people trying to smuggle drugs in just as we get people with tabs and drink

but if the gov set the price right that should make that side of thing now worth it!

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  • 2 months later...

Crazy to think he done 19 years tho i was only 10 when he got sent down lol think off all the things you done in the last 19 years and what he has missed out on and it puts it into perspective that he was one unlucky person to get so long for little!

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for feck sake what are you clowns on about ''drugs feck up so many lives and familys''


get a grip it was a bit of pot not crack or smack.


half you lot dont have a clew.


i bet 50% of the people on this site smoke or have smoked pot.


30 years you dont even get that for murder of if your a peado. let the lad out ffs he has done his time and plenty more.

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Think the plan would of been a no brainer as soon as they said its simple just stick this up your arse :icon_redface: but got to agree its a f*****g long time for a bit of ganj when you think sex offenders get probation over here :censored: , let him out he seems armless :whistling:


drug dealers are like sex offenders prey on the weak

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Think the plan would of been a no brainer as soon as they said its simple just stick this up your arse :icon_redface: but got to agree its a f*****g long time for a bit of ganj when you think sex offenders get probation over here :censored: , let him out he seems armless :whistling:


drug dealers are like sex offenders prey on the weak


i think you are on crack mate. how do dealers prey on the weak people geting raped have no chose people going to a dealer and byeing there shit do.


you sound like a wrong un to me with a statment like that there not even on the same universe in terms of crime. how can u say someone that sells pot to people who WANT to smoke it is the same as someone who fucks kids or rapes women. you need help mate. go and give your head a shake.

Edited by hullhunter
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