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Dont do the crime if you can't do the time, especially in countries that will dicipline you like the asian ones  

yea weak minded people.cant believe some of the comments on here. you lot must be pillars of your communities. the thing is your own kids have prob bought and smoked a bit weed and in some cases punte

start a thread on smack or coke and i would have a diffrent view however the topic was weed. a few hypocrites on here. in the past have posted topics on getting out thier tits on charlie then in the n

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I've just signed to request he stays in even more.


There is no What If's when dealing in drugs.



Just as well you cant be jailed fo been a prick eh ?



yep, he'd be sharing a cell with you :tongue2:

That would make three of us then :feck:

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Hark at you lot! I bet each and every one of you enjoy a drink now and again.. What's the difference apart from one being legal and one not being? Typical THL bandwagoners. If you're so quick to lump all drugs together then you should also criticise people for having a drink, otherwise you'd all be hypocrites...

destinct difference mate between liking a drink .. and being a f..ckin drug peddler :thumbs:



Riohog Drink is a drug and fecks up more lives than say hashish.

It costs the NHS millions per year, it causes people to be violent BUT because the Goverment deem it legal and gain taxes from it thats OK.

Legalise ALL drugs as the war cannot be won, EVER.

If legalised and sold at resonable prices at least those daft enough to get addicted are paying for their own treatment as it would be Goverment Centers SELLING and profiteering from it not Dealers who put nothing back in to treatment centers ect.


why would they legalise when drugs bring in massive revenue for the goverment, huge fines given out then the police buget would be cut in half as 90% of crimes in the uk are drug related its big biz for the police and government so its never going to happen

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Hark at you lot! I bet each and every one of you enjoy a drink now and again.. What's the difference apart from one being legal and one not being? Typical THL bandwagoners. If you're so quick to lump all drugs together then you should also criticise people for having a drink, otherwise you'd all be hypocrites...


but the big difference, as you say yourself, one's legal, one aint



this post dose,nt even warrant a reply yea it was just a bit of puff but he was a big boy no one forced him to do it one word say,s it all MUG


yet you leave a reply :hmm: contradicting springs to mind

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Hark at you lot! I bet each and every one of you enjoy a drink now and again.. What's the difference apart from one being legal and one not being? Typical THL bandwagoners. If you're so quick to lump all drugs together then you should also criticise people for having a drink, otherwise you'd all be hypocrites...

destinct difference mate between liking a drink .. and being a f..ckin drug peddler :thumbs:



Riohog Drink is a drug and fecks up more lives than say hashish.

It costs the NHS millions per year, it causes people to be violent BUT because the Goverment deem it legal and gain taxes from it thats OK.

Legalise ALL drugs as the war cannot be won, EVER.

If legalised and sold at resonable prices at least those daft enough to get addicted are paying for their own treatment as it would be Goverment Centers SELLING and profiteering from it not Dealers who put nothing back in to treatment centers ect.

yes i cant disagree with that , we are not talking about the u/k please dont assume i am nieve to what goes on in the world , i have been travelling to the f/e and se asia since the very early 70,s so i am fully aware !! first thing you see in bkk airport customs is (the penalty for drug smuggling is death ) its on a 10 ft board hey they make it clear enough in many languages .. !!! :thumbs:

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Hark at you lot! I bet each and every one of you enjoy a drink now and again.. What's the difference apart from one being legal and one not being? Typical THL bandwagoners. If you're so quick to lump all drugs together then you should also criticise people for having a drink, otherwise you'd all be hypocrites...


I'm drunk, stoned, outa my skull on MDMA. Whassay?




PS forgot to mention the 'shrooms


Someone call :laugh: :laugh: sorry I was busy smoking...........

















Crystal meth :alcoholic: it's brill

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The guy got caught SMUGGLING 200 ounces :yes: look at it whichever way you like,whether you think it was harsh or not when you go to these Asian countries its clear what there policies on drugs are.Yes his sentence may be excessive compared to this country but how many times do you hear on this site peeps shouting about immigrants flaunting our laws and not being punished accordingly?Now this guy knew the risks involved in smuggling drugs from this country but was still stupid enough to attempt it,he got caught and got punished by that countries laws.You've got to commend said country for not discriminating who they punish......Filipino or foriegn you break the law there you pay! :yes:

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This is just my personal opinion , regurdless of what type of drug it was, he was in a country that will not tolarate drug smugling and he would of known this but still went a head with it,he was caught so has been punished their way. would he still be smuggling now if he had not of been caught ? yeah he would be! they all regret and are full of remorse when they are caught but still do it knowing full well what the punishments are.

I also dont think they should be bringing his disablity into this for sympathy, he might be disabled in body but his mind is not and he knew right from wrong but made his choice and now has to live with it , just like every one else who is caught doing things they are not ment to be doing .

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