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Free Billy Burton

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Dont do the crime if you can't do the time, especially in countries that will dicipline you like the asian ones  

yea weak minded people.cant believe some of the comments on here. you lot must be pillars of your communities. the thing is your own kids have prob bought and smoked a bit weed and in some cases punte

start a thread on smack or coke and i would have a diffrent view however the topic was weed. a few hypocrites on here. in the past have posted topics on getting out thier tits on charlie then in the n

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Interesting how they've tried to play the sympathy card with "Thalidomide victim's" jail hell..........isn't it funny how people think because somebody is disabled it makes them different to non-disabled people.A crime is a crime whether your disabled or not.........why no petitions for able-bodied people are they any less deserving of a petition for release?

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In 1992 Billy Burton, aged 29, made the biggest mistake of his life. He had been travelling the World, got into extreme financial difficulty and made the terrible decision to carry cannabis out of Manila.


Billy was carrying 12lbs of cannabis and was arrested at Manila airport and was subsequently given a life term of 30 years. Initially he was informed that he could expect to serve eight years before being considered for parole; however before he reached eligibility to apply, the Filipino government enforced an embargo on parole for all drug offenders, even if sentencing had taken place prior to the ruling. Retrospective increases in sentences for all drug related offences, mean that Billy will now not be due for release until 2032, by which time he will be 70.


Billy fully accepts his wrong doing. Now aged 48, he has spent the past eighteen years simply surviving. He committed a crime and does not try to excuse himself, he fully accepts that this was wrong; but after 18 long years, we his supporters, feel he has paid the price. By comparison, if he had committed a similar offence in the UK, he could have expected to have served five years.


In a recent letter from Billy published in the Wetherby News, he said:


“For my disrespect, lack of decency and failure to uphold moral standards when I committed a crime 18 years ago, I have only regrets. There are no excuses. I do not think however that only bad people do bad things; sometimes good people also do bad thingsâ€







Is he one of your relatives? :whistling:

Why else would you want to make a difference!

Nobody forced him to do what he did, so he deserves what he got and fingers crossed he'll have to do it :blink:



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Tricky one this,some folk are lucky and some are not :icon_redface: ....its the difference between getting caught on one side and doing 5 years or getting caught on the other side and doing 30 years !


As an adult human being you weigh these odds up before you play the game and hope luck falls your way.....i have every sympathy with the fella as he had terribly bad luck,but he made judgement before he played the game and lost.....thats life unfortunately.



Ah yeah bless him, ya need a bit of luck when it comes to smuggling drugs :doh:

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lucky for him it wasnt thialand mandatory death penalty ,for drug smuggling!!


Or a lovely holiday at the Bangkok Hilton :laugh:

yep bang kwang prison lovly place :laugh:


Aye lovely if you like blowing crack smoke into ya veins due to lack of needles or a good group buggering by a load of dirty thai males who call you ping ping :laugh: :laugh:

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lucky for him it wasnt thialand mandatory death penalty ,for drug smuggling!!


Or a lovely holiday at the Bangkok Hilton :laugh:

yep bang kwang prison lovly place :laugh:


Aye lovely if you like blowing crack smoke into ya veins due to lack of needles or a good group buggering by a load of dirty thai males who call you ping ping :laugh: :laugh:


I wounder what he would have done if he had managed to smuggle the drugs through with out being caught.


Would he have stopped there and thought thank f**k for that, No my freinds he would have had a good time travelling the world spending his drug money enjoying himself and not given a second thought for the many lives he had just F**ked up. SO f**k HIM LET THE DRUG SMUGGLING TWAT ROT that's my thought's on the matter and I will not give him a second thought again either all the best JDD.

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Hark at you lot! I bet each and every one of you enjoy a drink now and again.. What's the difference apart from one being legal and one not being? Typical THL bandwagoners. If you're so quick to lump all drugs together then you should also criticise people for having a drink, otherwise you'd all be hypocrites...

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Hark at you lot! I bet each and every one of you enjoy a drink now and again.. What's the difference apart from one being legal and one not being? Typical THL bandwagoners. If you're so quick to lump all drugs together then you should also criticise people for having a drink, otherwise you'd all be hypocrites...

destinct difference mate between liking a drink .. and being a f..ckin drug peddler :thumbs:

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