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Pitbull lurchers


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with the risk of being called an arse licker or a bum kisser :kiss: or what ever else i may be called i have to sit here and agree with molly. Putting up information about an act that is now in its 15th year can only be good information.

Honestly, how many of us on here untill crow put in his thread that the act covered bull types as well as pure breds would have given it a second thought that it may cover bullx lurchers? honestly how many?

What about all the 16-25yr olds on here that are possible too young to remember the law coming into place, would they not benefit from the information on a thread like this?

And as for saying that any lines of conversation brought about by this starting post could bring unwanted attention, or put the spot light back onto fieldsports as a whole is total crap.


if trying to inform members of this site to relivent information regarding laws that my effect there dog ownership, makes anybody as an individual nervous of such attention, they have either something to worry about or is suffering paranoia.


And as for you molly....... get those arse cheeks pukered up as im coming round to kiss your arse right now. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

how dare you start a sensible thread like this one on here :hmm::nono:

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  BITCH said:
  MOLLY said:

:good: Crow & Eggy.


:hmm: who started this post....o yeah,i remember !! ....drawing attention to this cross then sideing with other anti bull x members. :no::no:

Bitch - lets get one thing straight here! You don't know me, you know nothing about the dogs I run, you don't know what dogs I've run in the past and you don't know what quarry it is I hunt. In fact, when it comes to what you know about me it can be summed up pretty succinctly: FU(K ALL.


So until such time as you've progressed from the 'fu(k all' stage to the 'a bit' stage please don't 'label' me, especially when your label is based on a single comment made by me that you have failed to understand!

Edited by Crow
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Guest ceredigion bull cross
  collie/grey said:
The only people i meet that ask me of the breeding of my lurchers are people at game fairs. And anyway everyone knows that our bull x lurchers are staff x's

why is there no mention on here of the american bulldog...which is a second cousin to the american pit bull.??

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Guest jason_445
  Fledge said:
Thats all aload of rubish about the dna testing , you cannot tel one dog breed from another from dna (beleive me !) let alone a staff from a pit ;)

the DNA test was to see if the dog was the same one that killed the lass not to find out the breed of the dog it is write about not been able to tell the breed from DNA

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I cant be bothered to read through all these pages , but i assure you all athourities CANOT tell your dogs breading through dna tests its the bigest load of bollocks they are trying to get away with :yes:


Let me know when they sus it out cose ile be ordering me a tudors Dibo clone :clapper:


Like where did they get this pure pitbull gene from then that they would base there analisis on ??? don mayfeild ??? HA HA


there must be as many different famalies and strains of pit bull as there are breeds of dog on the hole earth so how they expect you all to swallow this shit is un real


i stand by what i say ... they cant tell the difference bretween breeds by dna testing ! if someone would like to fined some information to prove me wrong i will gladly eat my hat :victory:



Ps .. thankyou SS :good:

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right everyone one i have been SURFING yes surfing the net i could see alot of people are getting hot under the collar ,so done a bit of reading ,i copied the following of a site it was some phd guy or whatever ,the reason he mentioned these 2 dogs was for these reasons .The pitbull because it must have been banned in some states in america and the husky because there was arguements at some races people saying that dog aint a pure husky and your a cheat na na na :no: now i aint a law on this and am only trying to help so here is the quote[ But as it turns out, so far the only way to determine if an animal is a Pit Bull or a Siberian Husky is to have papers from a registry like the A.K.C. However, relying on these data means trusting the breeder who filled out the form. ] can i also say lets not attack each other eh .

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