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Terror arrests

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They are all British citizens . . .


If a cats born in a dogs basket does that make it a dog?




I'm an immigrant, but my kids were born here. You try to tell me they're not British and I'll tear you a new one pal :yes:


Anybody who plans terror attacks should be dealt with swiftly and with little mercy. It's as simple as that.

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i dont think he was sticking up for them.


Thanks for that! I certainly wasn't sticking up for 'em. As Mal and one or two others realised, I was making the point that there is no sense shouting "Send the boogers back where they came from". Yeah, right, Birmingham, Cardiff, Stoke. I think that as British citizens they should spend the rest of their lives here. In Wandsworth. It's not the enemy without we need to worry about, it's the enemy within.


Apparently this is happening a lot now. The 7/7 bombers were "British citizens". A first generation immigrant just wants to settle in, be a good member of society, practise his religion in the privacy of his own home, earn a wage, pay his taxes. Fair enough by me. Then his kids go to school, learn about their human rights. Again, ok but they are never taught about the responsibilities that go with rights. They start to look for their "roots" blah blah bullshit bullshit. They go to some dodgy backstreet mosque run by a raving mad mullah, sign up to Al-Quaida, and stsrt stocking up on fertiliser. They don't accept that their roots are in Britain and this is the land they should support. Lurchergrrl has it right. Her kids are Brits. Not ex-pat Canadians, not immigrants. Brits. They have every right to be proud of their Canadian ancestry but they are Brits.


I know some of youse guys think I'm a loony lefty. Wrong. It's more that I can see that there ain't easy answers.


The good news is, of course, that as British citizens yon f**ckers are gonna get hammered big time. No foreign ambassador to complain about their treatment.



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people slag the Americans off but they wouldnt get away with what they do here over there , they would be GONE FOR GOOD , Anyone caught fuck1n with them on American soil will be either hand cart job or key thrown away , here they are even dictatin to us from behind bars , demanding allsorts off RIGHTS and if they dont get there way they sue AND WIN :wallbash: , The Americans tortured some off the feckers and do you wonder why they sued the British Goverment ........... EASY TOUCH , HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYERS (PROB Blairs mrs firm) beggin to take there case , THEY NEVER SUED THE ACTUALL TORTURES DID THEY .

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If you pass the north Korean

border illegally, you get 12 years hard labour.

if you pass the Afghan border illegally you get


If you pass the brittish border illegally you get-

-a job

-a drivers licience

-a place to live

-housing benefit

-health care


child benifit

need i go on!

this country is fu..ed! and us tax payers and our troops who allso pay tax are paying for them

scum bags who dont have one bit of respect for our ruels. Send them to afghan and let them earn

the right to live in our country or send the cu.nts back!post-54769-0-37520800-1292879079_thumb.jpg




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