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Its colder down South

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What ever the Gods threw at us last night I was determined to get out,so I made a flask got me fags and went for it.Getting to the main roads was an adventure in itself but once their the roads were pretty clear.I made it to the farm but realised that was as far as I was going so the rest would have to be on foot.



A mooch around the farm gave no rewards so I set out to walk the boundaries,their were plenty of tracks to follow but nothing at the end of them.I came across the odd pheasant and a few duck but with a well stocked freezer and no requests they may get to spend Christmas alive.I rested for a slurp and a fag and noticed movement down at the far end of the field,looking through the scopes I spied Charlie looking for a meal.I squeaked to bring him in for a photo and he duly obliged,looking me in the eye before making his getaway.he looked healthy from a distance,but on closer inspection he showed signs of mange.



I checked the out buildings for ferals,of which their were none,and made my way back to the van.I was slightly disappointed not to have fired a shot,but that's the name of the game.At least I got out. :thumbs:

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I've been out a couple of times trying to find charlie. He's been spotted a few times sniffing around the turkey pens, and I know he has a taste for the local chickens, so the rimmy is getting a few outings. The .243 might get an outing soon if I can't get near them.


They're great little creatures, tough and tenacious, but when they're showing too much interest in my chooks, I'm afraid they're likely to be on the reveiving end of a lead injection!

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