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right choice

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did,nt know whether to venture out on saturday or sunday this weekend with the ferrets and dogs but in the end decided to try my luck yesterday . i,m glad that i did, we had a drop of snow and it was bloody cold here in silly suffolk but today there is a blanket of snow outside ! as well as my two beddy/whippet lurchers, my ferreting partner jake, one of my own hobs,we also took along a young hob {and his owner] that i helped rehome earlier this year. it was the first time out ever for the young hob and he certainly did,nt hang about ! he only sniffed around the entrance for a few seconds and was gone. the first rabbit of the day was very soon firmly pursed in a net and quickly killed. the young hob followed the rabbit out of the hole so i bent down to pick him up praising him as i did so, in his excitment he latched onto the knuckle of my middle finger . i forgave him because it was his first rabbit ever and he went onto bolt two more at the next set of holes before we boxed him being very pleased with the way he,ed worked [which is more than i can say about his owner who moaned about the cold and did,nt want to take his hands out of his pockets and help lift the nets etc.{he won,t come again although his ferret will always be welcome!}we then tried my owned hob who bolted two more rabbits before i had the only dig of the day,it was,nt a deep dig but i was ankle deep in running water, in a ditch,into clay!with a half a dozen rabbits in the bag and the snow falling we made our way back to the van only to be approached by the lady who rented the adjoining pony paddocks.when we told her what we had been doing and showed her the dead rabbits she asked if next time we came we could try and clear a few of the rabbits on the pony paddcks !!! i drove home sure we had come on the right day even though my finger was still throbing ! cheers plum!

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good write up, and good on ya for the extra permission, you'll find looking for a good ferreting partner quite a journey, but you'll find one in the end, Ive taken out quite a few member/newbies ferreting, most never come again, others turn into good mates

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as stated in the write-up my regular hunting partner jake {my nephew} was with me, he,s never let me down,so much so that he was at a party untill 6 o,clock saturday morning but was still sitting on his mums doorstep in his wellies ready to go ferreting at 8 o,clock,{i used to be able to do it!!} cheers plum!

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a good day all round :thumbs:

my sister in laws boyfriend is like thats lad comes out an odd time and stands about watching all the time :wallbash: hands in pockets never lifts a net and when he does he gets them tangled :wallbash: never lifts a ferret cos hes scared incase he gets bit :laugh: and he makes more noise than a herd of runnung beefing stock :wallbash:

well done getting some new permission :thumbs:

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Well done to the young hob looks like he will turn into a good worker with time

know what you mean about showing some newbies the ropes we had one and he was absolutly useless no energy/ bone idle/unreliable/ and generaly as thick as shit it was like talking to a brick wall he was a compleate waste of time he was very very hard work got a new newbie now and hes the compleate opposite a great bloke to be out with and learnt the ropes in no time at all all the makings of a life time ferreter

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cheers max abell glad to hear you,v found some reliable help make,s for an easy life and it,s nice to share the joys of ferreting with someone, i rarley go without my "apprentice". we,re both off beating on a small local shoot in the morning {can,t wait for the cock day !} and the mince pies ! cheers plum !

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cheers max abell glad to hear you,v found some reliable help make,s for an easy life and it,s nice to share the joys of ferreting with someone, i rarley go without my "apprentice". we,re both off beating on a small local shoot in the morning {can,t wait for the cock day !} and the mince pies ! cheers plum !

hope you have a nice day

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