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dyu think its to late?

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me cuzions got a dog saluki whippet bout a year and 7 months around there dyu think its to late to start it and it doesnt come back on the lead so any tips how to sttart it off working and coming backk on the lead thanks

atb harry

:icon_eek try 200 yards of pole elastic on his collar nd tied to you pants,that way he will have to come back :doh::laugh:

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start off treating the dog well, build a good bond with it then train it as you would a puppy, call his name even when on the lead and when he looks at you or comes the lead length give him a small bit of cheese, itl soon associate coming to you with good things, just dont bray it if it pisses you off and comes back but when you get the recall done just enter it it might mess around the first couple of rabbits but will quickly learn that its gunna get a reward (cheese) and another run the quicker it comes back i too have a sal, whip, grey his recall is ok 99% of the time now he tended to hunt up a lot and wouldnt come back until he had done the whole field!!! i got him out of doing that and he is getting loads better least was till all this freezin weather!! hope this helps and keep us informed of your progress cheers :)


forgot to add my dog is about 22 month now and its his first full season well its going to be!!! he had a few back end of last year so no not to late by far you'l find itl be better for it in the future ......

Edited by tinklefod1
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