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for sale rules

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its a daft rule really i know it was brought in to stop the dog dealers and peddlars but i advertised a rea good dog of my son in laws and it has been removed because no advertising for freinds but its a stupid rule to srart with i could easily have put up it was my own dog and it would have stayed on but that would be lying so no point i dont beleive in it but who iis to say that everything for sale is their own and not a mates or family oh i know everyone on here tells the truth lol. plus throughout the year i see the same members names with various dogs fpor sale a\s i said bullshit rule .

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Had the same thing happen to me last week...i also could have lied but played it straight...since then ive seen posts stay on for days advertising for mates..the mind boggles ....atb stabba

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and thats what the report button is for lads, we cant see everything at once, moan that yours get removed but dont report and bring to our attention other posts, but instead put a moaning post up about rules :doh:

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stubby i dont think its a good rule to start with so ime hardly likely to report otheres on here all you are doing is enticing members to tell lies what happens if a father has a son who wants to rehome his dog .all he is going to do is say its his straight away lieing .but if he tells the truth it gets removed .imo rule needs to be looked at as all it does is encourages people to tell lies on here and theres enough bullshit on some of the posts as it is .

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concerning "livestock" just look in the forums, how many posts do you see of members complaining about dogs that were supposed to be the bee's knee's on such and such when they paid money for them, only to see the dog fail as soon as they get home :hmm:


that is the reason for the rules, everyone is then accountable, anyone selling a dog that isi'nt up to scratch will hopefully be a bit more truthful on it, as any comebacks would get posted on here, thus they would'ent want "their name" tarnished, so what members want in your words, is to be able to sell for friends,friends of friends etc, that way, if the shite hits the fan, people can turn around and say, it wer'nt my dog, I was selling for a friend :hmm:


surely in this day and age, if someone has something for sale, yet no internet access at home, theres plenty of other places to go, to get online,join,contribute and post, ie local libaries,internet caf'e's, or failing that, theres hundreds of other "non wanted animal" sites out there, direct them there

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Guest crobinc840

I did get confused about this before, if you're selling a ferret for £10 you need to pay £5 to become a donator and advertise it? Or is it free to sell ferrets? I understand the accountability aspect of it also but there are plenty of "newbies" that aren't newbies at all. For all we know there could be 10 guys on here with 100 different usernames. :thumbs:

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i am a donater so it would have been easy to say it was mine not my son in laws the dog is advertised in the countrymans weekly for this week . the point i am trying to make is the rule is enticing members to lie which i could so easily have done and said it was mine not my son in laws

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I got banned for a week for trying to 'swop a dog'. What i said was - pup that we rescued free to a good home and it would be nice to go for a night/day out with the prospective owner to see what they were like. . . . . :blink:

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and how is becoming a donater going to make people tell the truth ive been on this earth and around running dogs to know that rules or no rules people will tell lies about what their selling the ad told the truth warts and all about the dog that was is for sale and there is enough members on here that know me that know i dont lie or bullshit about dogs mine or anyone elses and i still think the rule needs to be revised better thats my moan not the fact the ad was taken off because i bet a lot of the ads on here are someone elses dogs and they have lied to get them left on .

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I did get confused about this before, if you're selling a ferret for £10 you need to pay £5 to become a donator and advertise it? Or is it free to sell ferrets? I understand the accountability aspect of it also but there are plenty of "newbies" that aren't newbies at all. For all we know there could be 10 guys on here with 100 different usernames. :thumbs:


thats soley down to me, as a ferret keeper, and seeing that lots of "newbies" breed ferrets just for the sake of it, rather than needs, and also seeing that ferrets were reguarded as a throw away item because of their cheapness, that I started the two pinned sections on the ferret forum, where ANY MEMBER, could advertise ferrets only, and hopefully find them a home, rather than them end up in a rescue centre, or knocked on the head,


Ive had those sections running for two seasons now,and hopefully they help members out,they could be pulled at anytime to conform with site rules, but hopefully not,

if I were to see any ferret posts "selling for a friend" Id still delete it

as Im all for bending rules, until it looks like people taking the pi$$

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Guest crobinc840

It is a little funny using the word donator when it's not really a donation. It's more of a membership. Reminds me of my kids schools with the mandatory donations if I want my kids to go on field trips. :hmm: I don't really care what word they use though, it's their site and they can do what they want with it. ;)

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Would'nt it be far better to have only members with a certain amount of posts can sell dogs, as what difference does a fiver make to some one that could potentially make £000's . The people that you see normally selling dogs have minimal posts but are donators, I understand doing it this way makes the forum more money but wouldnt it be better to reduce dog dealing.


I've just looked and there are people selling dogs that have 10 posts :hmm: and some seem to be being sold like a lamp would be, i just feel sorry for some of these dogs that must get past around so much

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